
Partnerships have been very key in getting stakeholder buy-in as well as ownership on the project. The proposition in the partnerships aimed to decentralize the ownership of the eco-points, spur collections rates and develop a seamless sustainable plastic waste value chain. 


During the last 12 months, 3R established various partnerships with different stakeholders. One of the partnerships was with an NGO, ParCo, whereby they established two eco-points, to receive and buy plastic waste from the local community waste pickers. 

Continuous stakeholder engagement was cited as an important platform in ironing out issues among partners involved in the implementation of the project



  • Planning collaboratively is imperative in harnessing synergies as well as allocating responsibility going forward.
  • Co-creation exercises informed the gaps and opportunities to strengthen aspects of the waste value chain as well as providing the assistance that each stakeholder needed.
  • A partnership is only but a means. Continuous communication is vital to keep partnerships strong and robust to deliver their objectives.
Peer Training

We recognized the need to build leadership for effective MPA management from within, and ownership and leadership of the approaches co-developed.


We convened a group of 18 regional and global experts to train the most engaged MPA practitioners across 3 nations as peer trainers in evidence-based (adaptive) management. The expert team first broke down adaptive management into 3 core components: marine monitoring, data summarization and management, and strategic decision making. We then invited applications from MPA staff and engaged community members in 3 national MPA systems (Kenya, Tanzania, and Seychelles) to become peer trainers in one of the areas, as we recognized that no one staff could likely train in all three.


We received 60 applications and invited 30 MPA members to participate in the peer trainer training in Seychelles in August 2019.  We developed a 5-day training course. We did 2-days of joint sessions, then each group had 3-days in their individual core areas. The final day was testing in the core concepts.  Of the 30 practitioners who participated, 11 passed as peer trainers or assistant peer trainers.


These peer trainers are now working in their respective nations to continue improving MPA management.

Existing leaders in the approaches through past in-country training events willing to become peer trainers.


Willingness of experts to volunteer their time to develop and lead the training.



Building ownership and leadership is key.


5-days probably not enough time for a peer trainer course - ideally, there would be three 5-day courses with time to practice skills in between, but this requires more funding than was available.

Ongoing monitoring

To ensuire the solution worked, we monitored nesting and hatchling dispersal for three consecutive seasons following beach rehabilitation, and determined that there were no impacts to nesting sea turtles or emerging hatchlings.

We had several years of baseline data with whcih to compare data post-construction. We also had access to the beach and the support of the reglator in conducting the monitoring activities.

Baseline data are crucial to determine impacts. Often industries develop infrastructure in the abence of basline data and this then precludes an assessment of impacts.


The core differentiator of MEET ecotourism products is that they are based in and feature Mediterranean protected areas. This is integrated with local communities and local service providers, thereby creating a unique niche-market product in the Mediterranean that supports conservation. Building off what differentiates its products to others on the market, MEET is building a strong brand with embedded market value  for both inbound and outbound tour operators, as well as, destination management organisations.

The MEET Network is currently working to develop an online training on the marketing and commercialisation component of the MEET approach, so interested stakeholders across the Mediterranean can adopt it´s methodology. In the meantime, the MEET Manual contains information on this element. 

  • Perspective of the private sector stakeholders has to be included from the beginning in all the steps of development;

  • Define clear business plans post project, including promotion and sales.

Authoritative Geodata and Map Services

The foundation of any SeaSketch project is geospatial information (maps) displayed as map services. There are no minimum data requirements. You can begin working with whatever you've got. Maps may be published as Esri REST Services (e.g., with ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS online) and open source mapping services (e.g., WMS, WMTS) and then imported into SeaSketch. Example maps include administrative boundaries (e.g., EEZ, territorial sea, existing MPAs), seafloor habitats, bathymetry, human uses, etc.


The maps you choose to include as Data Layers in SeaSketch depend on the goals of your process. If you are planning for marine protected areas, shipping lanes and aquaculture sites, you may want navigational charts, habitat maps, the distribution of fishing activities and other layers that may be used to guide users in the design of their plans. Protected areas are only meaningful if they effectively protect certain habitats, shipping lanes minimize collision and maximize efficiency, aquaculture sites are located in certain depth zones, etc. On a case-by-case basis, you will need to evaluate what data need to be viewed as maps, and what subset of these data need to be analysed.


In some cases, relevant map data may already be published as map services and discoverable in coastal atlases and other map portals. As long as they are in the correct formats (Esri map services, WMS, WMTS, etc), they may be imported directly into SeaSketch and displayed as map layers. 

In many cases, it will be advantageous to publish your own map services for display in SeaSketch. This will give you control over the cartography and performance of the maps.

Successful projects usually have a single GIS technician who is responsible for locating existing map services, acquiring data from providers (government agencies, NGOs, academics) and generating new map services using standard desktop and web-mapping tools. 

Government Buy-In for Collaborative Planning

SeaSketch is designed to be used primarily for collaborative planning. We've focused on Marine Spatial Planning, but the software can be used for terrestrial planning as well. Furthermore, the software is intended to help generate ocean zoning solutions. If these zones are to have a meaningful impact, such as conservation or benefits to the blue economy, there needs to be buy-in to the planning process by the host government institutions. If zones developed in SeaSketch are not legally adopted, they are less likely to have the desired effect. 

A legal mandate for marine spatial planning is essential, without which plans are unlikely to be adopted. Furthermore, successful implementation of SeaSketch requires a genuine commitment to stakeholder engagement at various levels. It is one thing to set up a SeaSketch project with maps, sketch classes, forums and surveys, but it is another thing entirely to structure a planning process so that SeaSketch is used by stakeholders. One must create an accompanying stakeholder engagement plan to ensure stakeholders make good use of the tool.

A legal mandate for collaborative marine spatial planning and that maximizes stakeholder participation is essential. Without a mandate and a timeline for planning, one can plan for ages without generating a zoning solution. Simply having collaborative planning tools will not ensure that stakeholders will be engaged or that solutions reflect a variety of stakeholder interests. 

SeaSketch Software as a Service

In most cases, SeaSketch is used to support large-scale planning efforts where governments have mandated the establishment of a marine spatial plan and where broad stakeholder involvement is essential. In these cases, SeaSketch must be licensed by a lead agency or partner. SeaSketch may be used to visualize geospatial data as map services, collect to information via surveys, sketch and discuss plans. If plans are to be evaluated using analytics, geoprocessing services and reports must be developed in our lab. Note that a free license is available for educational institutions to use SeaSketch for strictly educational purposes.


In January 2022, we will release the next version of SeaSketch which will be entirely free and open source. Just as with the current version, many of the features within SeaSketch may be configured with minimal knowledge of or experience with GIS. The analytics and reports will be run on lambda and encoded using programming languages such as Javascript. Owners of projects may, therefore, set up their own SeaSketch project – from beginning to end – without intervention from our lab. It should be noted, however, that the geoprocessing and reporting framework, though free and open source, will require significant programming experience.

Currently the implementing agency (such as a government body, foundation or NGO) must purchase the license and contract for developing analytics. The current version requires an Internet connection, but the next version will include some offline capabilities. Successful implementation of SeaSketch will require some assistance from a GIS technician, for example publishing and importing map services. 

SeaSketch is extremely valuable in creating a transparent and collaborative atmosphere, maximizing stakeholder participation, and grounding decisions in science-based information. We see the best results when SeaSketch is used in combination with other tools such as desktop GIS applications, trade-off analyses, prioritization tools (e.g., Marxan, Prioritizr), and cumulative impact analyses. 

Partnership strengthens stakeholder linkages for Sustainable Growth

Partnerships with KMFRI and other relevant county departments have enabled the proposal development by the association to be review regularly and more effectively in order to submit a clear and non-ambiguous proposal to the World Bank and other funders. Handholding by partner agencies such as KMFRI, WWF, National Bank, Base Titanium, etc. has been essential in enhancing the knowledge on tendering, procurement of construction material, furniture and equipment.

  • Recognition that the project is addressing the need of the entire community.
  • Presence and participation of stakeholders from various sectors is providing effective technical knowledge and know how, as well as opening career opportunities for the youth.
  • Participation of community members in the activities of various stakeholders is creating job opportunities.


  • Appropriate timing for engagement of the local communities is crucial for success – the day, place and time of engagement must be agreeable to all otherwise the partnership will be skewed and might appear to be imposed.
  • Respecting and appreciating community culture and traditions is critical for smooth implementation of project activities e.g. ceasing to work during prayer time, or rescheduling to attend meetings (Known as Baraza) hosted by area Chief or Government representatives.
  • Culture of saving part of the income earned from daily activities is possible through discipline and good planning.
  • Antagonizing the community against fellow partner agencies should be avoided at all time.
  • All partner agencies working with the communities must stick to their roles and responsibilities at all time.
  • Sustainability of the community project is the most crucial aspect that will ensure the project doesn’t collapse once the champions exit or move on. New members must therefore be recruited constantly and trained on the ideals of the project through an internship programme.
Resources for decision making

A key component of the Soqotra Heritage Project is the ability to access information about the heritage of Soqotra to allow for decision-making. This was realized by incorporating all documented tangible and intangible heritage in the Soqotra Heritage Database implemented through the Arches Project. Although maintained externally, and although internet connections on Soqotra prevent access to such resources in any meaningful way, the local team have access to all information through the Arches Collector App which can be used to visualize information, and also to collect and add information in the field.

Updates can be verified and enabled at regular meetings at the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage until a sustainable internet provision is enabled on Soqotra.

This has allowed stakeholders on Soqotra to access information for planning purposes, and to raise awareness with stakeholders about the importance of considering heritage components in development activities.

The building block required adequate provision and maintenance of the central database at a secure location as well as the ability to regularly update and access information.

Online solutions are not appropriate for Soqotra while the internet connections and availability is unsustainable and of low quality. This applies to ALL sustainable solutions on Soqotra and is not confined to heritage programmes.

Provision of an offline App is the first step, but requires routine updates that can only be accomplished at the expense of international travel and availability of flights.

Museum network and cultural itineraries

The network is an opportunity to explore the Dolomites’ cultural richness in connection to its Outstanding Universal Value, though a series of multilingual (including minorities) museums located in mountain communities and cultural itineraries made to explore the Dolomites and its people and history. As museum play a key role in the life of local communities and they support the recording of local history and experiences through time, these places are also fundamental for communicating the values of the Dolomites through several natural and cultural perspectives.

Museums and cultural itineraries play a key role in raising awareness on the life of local communities and the experience lived by these territories from prehistory, through the two world wars until today, through events that have deeply shaped the cultural and social communities of this areas. The network of museums is a key platform for the direct interaction with local communities and for these communities to share their knowledge about the Dolomites and the historical events that have shaped its landscapes.

Last but not least, the offer a chance for people with physical disabilities to explore the Dolomites in an accessible way

The existence of several museums across the territory of the Dolomites which were interested in working together to raise awareness on natural, cultural and historical aspects of these areas and their communities.
These territorial museums have a role in the life of local communities and they have a purpose in the education of visitors exploring the Dolomites both at a high and low altitude.

The strong and comprehensive network of institutional and informal stakeholders that is managed through the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation

Raising awareness on the Dolomites and its natural values requires the understanding of their natural, social and cultural setting. As the Dolomites extend across an area of great cultural richness which is both source of unique cultural values and mirror of a complex mosaic of local identities of communities that are culturally and socially diverse.

Museums, with their strong local declination and their deep permeation in the social and cultural tissues of different areas of the Dolomites, are a great platform to be actively and meaningfully engaged in the lives of communities and to allow them to share their knowledge and memories, which are valuable information for the effective management of the Dolomites and its multilayered values