Climate Resilient Coral Gardening

Coral gardening, also known as mariculture, is undertaken by collecting small pieces of broken coral in shallow waters and re-attaching them to so-called spiderweb cages (portable metal frames).

The coral fragments are eventually transplanted to large coral frames in places where the reef has been destroyed by cyclones, crown of thorns starfish or other climate change-linked hazards. The coral beds are placed in around 6 meters of water, enough to keep them safe from cyclone swells, where they can grow into full size coral colonies.

The project uses coral varieties that are particularly resilient to the climate change impacts of bleaching and ocean acidification. The artificial reefs create new habitat for fish, and provide coastline protection from waves. 

  • Implementation in the context of the participatory management of the NPMLPA, characterized by extraordinary community stewardship and engagement.
  • Awareness raising for community members on the current threats to coral reefs and the importance of corals for climate change adaptation, coastal protection, biodiversity but also for local people’s livelihoods and socio-economic development.
  • Capacity building measures for participating community members, including respective training material
  • Different varieties of coral show differing levels of planting success. It has been important to trial multiple coral varieties and identify those that are most resilient to temperature and acidification as well as those that grow best in our planting conditions.
  • Women are some of the most effective coral gardeners. When they wade on the reef they are able to delicately and successfully find living coral fragments that have broken naturally due to wave damage. 
  • Coral must be firmly attached to the planting bed with cable ties or tie wire; if the coral does not have firm contact to the bed, it cannot continue to grow.
  • Youth and children have learned, through coral planting, that corals are living organisms. Using this activity as an educational tool outside the classroom has improved understanding of the underwater ecosystem, now considered as important as the terrestrial and garden ecosystems.
Commission for the management and protection of sea turtles.

1.By consensus of the interested parties, INCOPESCA, ADIO, UCR, and SINAC created a commission of co-management and created a legal framework established with executive decree DAJ-020-2005, in order to work together and this group of Co-management launches a management plan for the conservation and sustainable use of turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) nesting on Ostional beach.

The SINAC and INCOPESCA authorization and supervision of the Ostional Development Association (ADIO) to use eggs as a means of subsistence (consumption and sale). The community benefits from consumption of the egg as food and also to receive the economic resources that are distributed between people and social welfare, while contributing to the conservation of the turtle, through the cleaning of the beach and the care Of turtle hatchlings.


Leaning from the results of the first phase (2006-2011) progress was made in fulfilling population recovery objectives. The analysis of research advances made in the last five years and the sessions valuation that each of the actors did on experiences informed the 2013 – 2016 5-year plan; so did negotiations and agreements between the parties.

Representatives of the ADIO, UCR, INCOPESCA and SINAC developed jointly and by consensus four products that were the basis for the development of the new five-year management proposal:

  • A basic characterization of the roles of the actors and the main elements of their experience, which identified the keys to a successful plan for future use.
  • An interpretation framework as reference to outline the guidelines of the use plan for the next five years;
  • the principles governing the plan
  • general and specific rules and objectives.
Expert elicitation workshop

The actual expert elicitation assessment is carried out during a workshop or series of workshops, attended by appointed marine experts in the field of marine environmental or socio-economic sciences. The experts collaborate and discuss the status and trends on the different parameters for the marine assessment and come to a consensus score. The scores are recorded during the workshop and entered into the SOME website. Notes are taken by a rapporteur on the discussion and the details of relevant reports, papers or other documents are recorded . The interaction and discussions during the workshop should allow the editorial board to identify potential authors to participate in the subsequent report-writing phase of the process.

A minimum of 20 experts, with at least 5 for each key discipline areas (fisheries and biology, physical sciences and socioeconomics).

A minimum of 3 full workshop days.

Internet access

The workshop allows

SOME website

GRID-Arendal has created a pilot, web-based system to capture, analyse and display state of the marine environment assessment results: The website allows for the real-time capture and display of data (scores for parameters, confidence, risks) during the workshop and provides an online template for the production of a State of Marine Environment Report. The content and graphics can be exported and used as the basis for a national or regional SOME report or the contents can be adapted for use within other formats as required. The database allows direct correlation to the outline of the World Ocean Assessment, thereby permitting cross-referencing and combining outcomes of the assessment to optimize it as a contribution to the international effort. Another key aspect is that the diagrams and outputs that are produced by the web site are designed for easy communication of the workshop results to policy- and decision-makers. The diagrams are simple, jargon-free and clearly communicate the main findings of the judgments made by the experts.

The system is used at the expert elicitation workshop.

The web-tool

Integrating scientific data and traditional knowledge to inform management

The Corridor ecosystem has been well-studied and over 200,000 geo-referenced data points are available to help establish spatial management plans. Fisher communities have participated in monitoring resources in the past and currently are generating data on their catch. This in combination with other data from the literature, and from interviews and mapping processes that fishermen participate in, help integrate a wealth of traditional knowledge and scientific information to produce realistic management proposals. Even when presented with complex analyses of this data resulting from computer models such as INVEST and ZONATION, fishers have shown confidence in the information presented to them and they validate it. By creating a decision-making process that uses evidence from these various sources that all stakeholders believe in, we are building a science-based decision making process. We plan to work with stakeholders to define the best indicators for tracking the impacts of management, and then design a participatory process for monitoring these, developing a common, science-based language for measuring the effectiveness of the program. The program is building a digital platform that will serve to communicate the advances.

CEDO has generated data on this ecosystem for the last 37 years, making it possible to integrate science into the process. The long history of fisher participation in monitoring is also helpful, as they have not questioned the validity of the data they are seeing, in general, and they have the opportunity to fine tune results as well.  Government validation of the data generated is key. Government has contributed financially to producing the data and CEDO's work is known and respected. 

Funding for long-term monitoring is important and it must include the resources for data management and analysis. Engaging fishers in monitoring, sharing other data sources with them, and producing results that are consistent with their understanding of the ecosystem are powerful in getting them to trust the results.  The program also involves a technical team who understands the process and participates in evaluating critical components of analysis. Getting government buy-in is critical for getting them to use the data for policy.  Sharing results, credit and ultimately publications with government researchers,  can offer important incentives to the government to work together on production and analysis of data.  

Strengthening Capacity for Collective Action and Informed Decision-Making

The fishing communities of the Corridor are isolated from one another and are marginalized from the regional economy. They have few opportunities to interact at that scale. Even within a community there is little social structure.  The project created a forum for interaction and collaboration for solving problems. To strengthen capacity to participate in this forum and planning process, we have focused on building fisher capacity to represent their communities in an Intercommunity Management Group. Workshops have been offered on communication, negotiation, and other leadership skills. We developed materials, held workshops and organized exchanges with other fishermen to give them a better understanding of the variety of management tools that can be applied to improve fisheries and reduce conflicts. This is key to setting the stage for informed decision-making and adopting new management instruments. For more comprehensive acceptance of the process, all community members should be informed. Through communication programs, messages on billboards, radio addresses, social media and workshops, the program involves the entire community to understand and support the process.

CEDO has a long history of promoting environmental literacy and culture in the region and has tools and resources that aid in this process. CEDO's ability to communicate in a language that fishermen understand facilitates learning. As a local organization, CEDO can adapt its scheduling of meetings and classes to the rhythm of fishing which is somewhat unpredictable due to environmental conditions. Fishermen and communities are eager to learn, but cannot afford to miss income from fishing.

One challenge is transportation. Communities are isolated from public transportation, and CEDO has tried to provide this, but without adequate resources. Solutions could be found if funds were available to purchase vans. One of the most important components for effective capacity building is to speak the language of your audience and to create experiences for interchange, rather than talking at the public. This creates a positive learning environment both for the facilitator as well as the fishermen. Capacity building is also strengthened through direct participation and opportunities to learn while doing, which we promote as another building block in this process.

Creating a rooftop farmers network

A rooftop farmers network established with all participating community members/ households focused on creating a community of practice. As people are more likely to lose interest and get demotivated, creating a support system where beneficaries can exchange, share experiences, challenges, thoughts, and even dreams has proved to keep people motivated and also strengthen social ties between community members. 

A platform for regular exchanges that mobilizes the rooftop farmers

  • Regular exchanges focusing on different topics to spark the farmer's interests
  • visits could be integrated in these exchanges
  • ongoing communication, especially during extreme weather events is cruicial. A whatsapp group was initiated to keep participants in close communication with Hub Enablers, and to also share photos of unusual plant conditions
Integrating climate information into local planning

Seasonal (based on seasons defined by the communities according to predominant livelihood strategies with the help of an ecological calendar) and annual temperature and precipitation projections for the near future were developed for specific sites, namely Bash Kaiyndy/ Naryn District in Kyrgyzstan and two villages in the Bartang Valley of the Tajikistan Pamir region. Two time slices were developed to represent 30-year averages - 2020s (2011-2040) and 2050s (2041-2070) - and change factors were calculated relative to 1980-2005 modeled base periods. Presenting the projections as a range most accurately represents possible future climate conditions for decision-makers and planners applying a risk-based approach to climate change adaptation and resiliency. To consider inherent uncertainties in climate models, scenarios for future vulnerabilities are discussed and selected together with the community. Derived from the scenarios, climate change related threats complete the picture of the situation analysis, and future vulnerabilities can be prioritized through rating of conventional and climate change related threats.

  • Kyrgyz villages have weather station data to support baseline information. Future absolute values could be estimated.
  • Ecological calendar exercise conducted with local communities to define distribution of seasons according to predominant livelihood strategies
  • Strong exchange between climate scientist and local implementing partners and community
  • Strong facilitation skills when communicating future scenarios to the community
  • Building the bridge between science and local development by integrating local perception into the projection modelling and through participatory scenario planning with the community has been very successful.
  • When introducing the idea of climate change during workshops, there might be a danger to present climate change as the cause of all environmental problems. Careful explanation and definition of climate change is essential.
  • Adapting climate projections for the specific audience (e.g. government officials, local villagers) is crucial.
  • Pre-workshops / discussions with various informants familiar with the project area and local villagers yielded useful information and a more complete picture of the ecological and economic context of the assessment.
  • Workshops are generally not a productive forum for technical debates about the validity of climate projections and statistics. It is helpful to focus on communicating climate impacts and hazards, rather than technicalities.
Transforming perceptions on ecosystem-livelihood connection

Local communities have not always welcomed, in every case, the creation of new protected areas. It is important to raise awareness among local communities about the connection between ecosystems conservation and local livelihoods. To do so, the authorities need to be able to create a sense of identity and belonging towards the protected ecosystems, rather than a sense of exclusion. The solution in Marismas Nacionales, Nayarit Biosphere Reserve is a long-term effort with intensive community support and mentoring by CONANP fieldworkers. The strategy has been focused on changing perceptions of the community. This approach has had the additional effect of influencing the institutions that govern the protected area, generating a better shared understanding of effective and sustainable support for both mangrove rehabilitation and local livelihoods. In this way, the community and CONANP´s staff have joined forces to ensure that local needs are met by rehabilitating the mangroves from a more territorially, and livelihood, coherent perspective, rather than an administrative one. Changed perceptions have become a more important driver of positive community action than just payments for ecosystem services or subsidies.

a) Existing cooperatives to lead change processes on behalf of communities;

b) capacity to monitor benefits from diverse initiatives;

c) good management of the NGO network and permanent presence of field workers for capacity development;

d) financial resources to nurture fishermen’s organizational capabilities up to the point where they are self-organized;

e) open-minded government authorities.

a) An important factor in changing minds of local communities is the involvement of women and children in awareness raising, planning and negotiation activities;

b) creating alternatives for migrating from the reserve helps to underscore the importance of maintaining local ecosystems;

c) being able to demonstrate quick and tangible benefits as a result of ecosystem maintenance or through the introduction of sustainable practices helps enormously to convince communities. Strengthening sustainable fishing practices can provide this type of quick results.

Creation of conservation association unites local communities
The nine communities surrounding Mbe were helped to come together to form a single community organization to represent their interests and promote conservation. In the past, these communities have not always cooperated readily and there is some historic distrust and rivalry. The Conservation Association of the Mbe Mountains (CAMM) was created with a written constitution and officers elected to a General Assembly, Management Committee, Board of Trustees and a Technical and Supervisory Stakeholders Group. Regular CAMM meetings now promote dialogue and have improved trust between the nine communities. CAMM also represents local interests and perspectives when dealing with local and state government. WCS facilitated legal registration of CAMM in 2013 and is supporting capacity building of CAMM and construction of a headquarters.
The communities needed to trust each other and work together towards a single purpose. Significant time was needed to establish this trust, since there are frequent disagreements among the communities. Presence of an NGO to facilitate the process was critical to success. The initiative also had support from influential local politicians and businessmen as well as the Cross River State Forestry Commission – government agency responsible for the management of wildlife and forests within the state
To fully secure local land tenure the nine communities, or CAMM, require a certificate(s) of occupancy from the state government. A benefit sharing formula was required since the communities do not own equal areas of forest within the Mbe Mountains.The nine communities don’t yet trust each other fully and there are periodic disputes, which are best resolved by CAMM. Within each community there are often a number of men known as elites who typically act for selfish interests rather than for the common good. As CAMM has become stronger it has been able to reduce the influence of these elites. The influence of the Chairman of Boki Local Government Area has also helped. The penalties against poaching are low and not always enforced by CAMM. Stricter penalties may be required, legalized as local government bylaws. The CAMM constitution is large and cumbersome and needs to be streamlined. Levels of capacity within CAMM are low - needs close mentoring and long-term financial support from WCS.