Achieving ecosystem approach for adaptation

Under an ecosystem-based adaptation approach and a micro-basin vision, efforts in Esquichá focused on improving livelihoods and ecosystem resilience in order to reduce climate change vulnerability. Tropical storms and hurricans such as the Stand affected communities in the past (water infraestructure, erosion or loss of water springs). Applying an ecosystem approach was part of strengthening governance for climate change adaptation in the Esquichá micro-watershed.


Measures implemented are: 

  • protection and recovery of forests in water recharge zones. E.g. protection of pine forests (Abies guatemalensis) that harbour water sources that supply populations in the lower part of the micro-basin.
  • Restoration of degraded lands and stabilization of slopes
  • Implementation and optimization of agroforestry systems.

Additionally, there was broad acceptance of the need for a more integrated approach to water resource management, partly due to the water scarcity that communities suffer during the dry season and in the upper parts of the micro-basin. The concept of environmental social responsibility was also promoted among communities, whereby upstream communities take measures that benefit downstream communities. 


  • Climate change, and in particular the availability of water, are factors of concern to most micro-watershed stakeholders, which increases their willingness to prioritize actions that favour water recharge zones and disaster risk reduction. In Esquichá, the occurrence of extreme events in previous years had strongly impacted several communities, causing damage to both assets (crops, housing, productive infrastructure) and water resources.
  • In order to proof the effectiveness of implemented EbA measures contributing to the climate change resilience of communities, and thereby building confidence in the strategy adopted, the first step was to promote reforestation in the upper parts of the micro-basin (where water sources are found) or in areas affected by landslides, as well as community work around forestry nurseries. These actions helped to consolidate the concept that forest cover is a "collective insurance" in the face of climate change.
  • Valuing the ecosystem services of the basin helped to see adaptation as a task for all communities, a way to obtain benefits for both the Esquichá micro-basin as well as other communities located further down in the Coatán River basin.
Achieving flexible governance for adaptation

Governance options and responses for adaptation to climate change are new and must be constantly evolving; desicions and governance pklan need to be flexible; hence adaptation must move forward under a flexible approach. This is possible with the application of EbA measures with a "learning by doing" while using best available sicientific information on climate scenarios and informing policy local and national instruments.


Climate vulnerability in Esquichá was assessed using the CRiSTAL tool ( “Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods.")


After a first planing of EbA activities, actions for integrating flexibility were:


  • The periodic evaluation of field EbA actions and the adoption of short-term decisions
  • Monitoring and evaluation results will be key to include important adjustments
  • Inclusion of EbA measures in the Microbasin Management Plan
  • Assessment of measures to inform the municipality Development Plan.
  • Informing of results to competent authorities as the municipality of the Forest Institute (INAB). This has lead INAB to seek tools to improve the way incentives are assigned and to identify communities located in key water catchment areas.
  • Political interest in mainstreaming EbA and water security criteria into forest incentives programs has grown.
  • Political interest of the municipality of Tacaná.
  • Tecnical capacity of the municipality of Tacaná.
  • The information must integrate the sciences (physical, biological, economic and social) with traditional and indigenous knowledge.
  • The "action learning" or “learning by doing” approach is a key part of achieving flexibility in adaptation governance. Constant improvements should always be sought and those practices, strategies and policies that contribute to increasing socio-environmental resilience should be appraised. As a result of this approach, members of the Esquichá River Microbasin Council are more aware, on the one hand, of the legal and policy frameworks that facilitate multidimensional governance and the articulation required to address climate change and, on the other, of the need to monitor and evaluate, over time, the benefits that ecosystems bring for adaptation and local livelihoods.
Consolidating inclusive governance for adaptation

 The stakeholders of the Esquichá River micro-watershed face governance challenges for adaptation, such as insufficient coordination between the community, municipal, departmental levels, and the sectors. The Council of the Esquichá River micro-watershed, gathers municipalities, communities, and the Communal Nurseries comissions. A multilevel technical support is provided to ensure sustainability:

  1. With technical support, the Committee has learned about EbA measures and has incorporated them into the micro-watershed Management Plan. Technical assistance has been provided to identify efforts for its implementation and financing (e.g. forestry incentives). This is how the Committee, now with greater organizational capacity, has had an impact on other instances (Municipal and Departmental Councils, INAB) and has achieved the allocation of funds for the EBA measures.
  2. Technical assistance provided on management of communal forest nurseries.
  3. Implementing a gender approach that actively involve women in capacity building and decision making. Women have been trained in communication skills, to improve their leadership abilities (
  4. Support for the Municipality of Tacaná to integrate adaptation measures into the local planning (Municipal Development Plan).
  • Under Guatemala’s System of Development Councils, the Esquichá River Micro-watershed Council is made up of the Community Development Councils of the micro-basin communities, which allow to work in an organized manner and influence higher levels (eg. Municipal Councils).
  • CORNASAM, created in 2004 as a platform for departmental coordination, has allowed for an articulated dialogue between the municipalities of San Marcos, basin organizations and micro-watersheds.
  • Gender approach to actively involve women in decision making and capacity building.
  • The improvement of local women leadership skills, has a long-term impact in the management of natural resources and the social cohesion of communities. Women felt they had a lot to contribute; having taken ownership of these spaces, their confidence to act in other circles also increased. When consulted, women indicated that after gender and communication training, they have “lost the fear of expressing themselves in meetings where there are men," noting that they are aware of their right to participate as key actors in promoting forest restoration in water recharge areas as a climate change adaptation measure.
  • Governance for adaptation must promote open, equitable, respectful, and effective participation, so that planning and decision-making mechanisms are enriched by inclusive participation.
  • The EbA measures implementation builts upon community participation and local leadership. Communities are convened thought their leaders. This approach has greater chance to ensure sustainability in time and replicability of EbA measures.
Securing support of local communities and other stakeholders

 The active contribution from local community and the support of other stakeholders has been a critical element to the success of FHA’s effort to protect Gishwati forest, together with a clear perspective on each players’ responsibilities and duties. Also, this successfully influenced the government to upgrade this forest to a national park. 

In conservation, local community involvement ans support are keys factor for the success. what needed is to organise them and allow them to act

Guiding local community to manage their natural resources by themselves is a strong factor for success. Our approach combines employing local people, supporting local community to protect the forest by themselves, community education and outreach, solving human-wildlife conflicts using conservation agreements and improving local livelihoods through community tourism development.

Using Native Trees in the restoration sites

Restoration of the forest has a higher success rate if native trees are used/planted.  Native tree species will allow the forest to recover and conserve natural habitat. This will optimize the supply of forest benefits and ecosystem services; reduce the risks of natural hazards such as landslides; and enhance options for sustainable livelihood.

The use of native trees for reforestation activities were adopted and promoted by the networks, champions. 

Our forest lands (i.e. denuded and forested) have been reforested with non-native or introduced species such as Gmelina, Mahogany and Falcata tree species. These introduced trees species  were planted because they grow faster, and could be harvested sooner than native hardwood trees. Past and present “reforestation” activities, whose intention were primarily market driven rather than conservation, have replaced the original trees and resulted to a monoculture, and decline of plant and animal diversity. Monoculture of exotic tree species is susceptible to attack of pests and diseases and may eventually wipe out the entire reforested areas.

Adopt-A-Seedling (AAS) Program

The AAS Program of the Forests for Life Movement bridges the support from the corporate and individual donors to the community partners on site. AAS is being tapped by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs of the different companies, and supported by concerned individual donors and volunteers. These partners provide resources to implement the stages of forest restoration, from seedling production, site preparation, actual tree planting and the three-year maintenance and monitoring.

Awareness of the public and corporate sector on the need to contribute in the restoration of the Philippine forests and in the conservation of biodiversity.

Communication, Education and Public Awareness is crucial to get the engagement of the different sectors of the society to achieve the targets of the movement of restoring the Philippine forests and providing sustainable livelihood the local communities.

Community-based Maintenance for Sustainable Livelihood

The Community-based maintenance began by educating and capacitating the partner communities that will be in-charge in ensuring the successful survival of the trees in the rainforestation. The capacity building program of the local partner community entailed teaching the participants with farming techniques, monitoring tools and organizational development skills to ensure a sustainable partnership and high survival of the trees planted.

Alongside the capacity building of the community partners is the opportunity to earn additional income, not only from the activities on restoration, but also facilitates other livelihood activities aligned with the objectives of the movement like seedling production. This substitutes the risk of the local community to engage or allow illegal activities that provides them extra income. Furthermore, the government, through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, tapped people’s organizations to produce native tree seedlings in support of the National Greening Program. This contributed to a more stable and continued form of livelihood to the project’s community beneficiaries.

Partnership building with key stakeholders to ensure participatory approach in achieving a dignified Ecosystem and human well-being, by having a well restored forests.  Farmers and forest dependent communities were assisted and capacitated because of their crucial role as the main actors on the ground. By providing the community proper restoration technology and promotion of biodiversity conservation and biodiversity friendly agriculture, the ecological benefits that need to be sustained has a higher probability of being achieved.

The selection of eligible community partner is also very vital to ensure the success of the restoration initiatives. With the realization that land claims are rampant in public lands, it is important to prioritize sites where perpetual protection can be ensured (i.e. protected areas). In fact, the social aspect of restoration greatly dictates its success or failure than the biophysical aspect as these (social factors) might bring unforeseen problems if not carefully considered. One must always remember that forests can naturally be restored by the natural processes, only human interventions (social) prohibit these natural process.  It is also important to ensure that provision of support is aligned with the main activities of the community partners, and promotes the objectives of the movement.

Forests for Live Movement (Network Building)

Forests For Life is an environmental conservation movement/network that envisions the restoration of Philippine rainforests using native tree species with support from various sectors. It began as a movement called ROAD to 2020, which worked with communities, local government units, indigenous peoples, academe, like-minded groups and the youth to bring back the lost forests. Through the movement, Haribon was able to empower local communities, build native tree nurseries, provide guidance in establishing conservation areas, influence policies, organize tree planting drives and encourage the public to take part in citizen science. To date, 13,416 Volunteers and 14 community partners in 30 Municipalities have been mobilized, which significantly shows raised awareness on biodiversity.

A Rain Forest Restoration Initiative (RFRI) Network was formed during the National Consultation on Rainforest Restoration in November 2005, which has initiated forest restoration efforts since 2006; Government Policy-Memorandum Circular 2004- 06; Executive Order 23 and 26; Support from Local Government Units, Peoples Organizations; Corporate and Individual donations

The clear targets of sustaining the ecological goods and services of our forests for the present and succeeding generations can only be achieved if we restore our forests using native trees. Engagement from the different sectors of the society is vital. This can be achieved if stakeholders share the same vision, and understand how biodiversity is interconnected and affects their everyday lives. It is important that the corporate sector and local government units understand their big role in providing assistance to the different stakeholders, which in return favors the sustainability not only of the local communities, but of the bigger population. Government priorities and policies that favor the improvement of livelihood and capacities of the communities will help in attaining success of restoration initiatives

Upcycling glass bottles on a touristic and party island of Gili Trawangan

The Gili Eco Trust created a service and product in 2012 that stays within a circular economy that not only increased employment opportunities in waste management on Trawangan for the local community, but started to drastically reduce the size of the landfill, whilst offering beautiful handmade unique personalized products to businesses and tourists alike. On top of this, all glass that can’t be upcycled into new glassware, crockery and gifts, gets crushed into a sand, which is then used in the production of bricks (mixing glass sand, fresh water, a bit of glue and cement). The "glass sand bricks" are then sold on Gili Trawangan for buildings. This means that 100% of all glass waste produced on Gili Trawangan can then be used in other projects, to reinvent this originally single use material as a valuable product once more. Using these different techniques, not only providing employment to the local community in the fast growing waste management sector, we are reducing the amount of glass going to landfill and educating the local businesses why and how they can separate all of their waste to create a zero waste to landfill initiative.

The success of this building block is the combination of projects that garantee that glass waste is fully reused, recycled and upcycled, and do not end up on the landfill. Only local beer bottles (BINTANG) are refilled, all the other glass bottles, jars are all ending up on the dump, with no future except piling up. To enable these glass projects, we learned about glass upcycling and invested in machinery to cut, polish and crush the bottles. We trained 5 people to be safely handling glass and now they are proud of their projects.

Our sole intention of our glass upcycling campaigns is to limit the amount of glass making it to landfill, now that we have proven that we can recycle 100% of glass waste we create. We used to received glass waste from neighbour island, Gili Meno. So we decided to teach them with training in glass cutting and upcycling. We also donated them a glass crushing machine to aid their independent work. This demonstrates that these campaigns can be shared, expanded and work in many different locations giving local communities a source of income and solution to previously unrecyclable and undegradeable waste.

- Upcylcing glass bottles into glass ware and glass sand

- Protecting material for our employees to not breathe glass dust

- Educating local communities about possibilities of upcycling glass bottles / jars

- Marketing and promoting our upcycled glassware and glass sand bricks for a revenue from waste.

- Empowering local communities with new skills and jobs from waste

Colombian and international communities are aware of SAMP - Communication and Outreach

Developed attitude and behavior assessment surveys targeting specific groups (e.g., visitors, local communities, and productive sectors) who visit or reside near MPAs carried out at different times. A web-based “Friends of the SMPA Society” comprised of national and international scientists and members of civil society were put in place. The project developed an information dissemination and communication strategy specific in marine topics, which will inform the general population about MPAs through print, audiovisual (radio, TV, newspapers, and internet), as well as dissemination meetings. The main activities were: a)Dissemination campaigns; b)implementation of the SAMP web page; c)awareness campaigns in educational centers (schools and universities); and d) establishment of a data base of images and videos bilingual (Spanish and English). SAMP promoted in international and national events of scientific nature, such as seminars, congresses, side-event in COP of Biodiversity, among others. Main results: 11% increase over the baseline of behavior and attitudes test scores; 5 new funding proposals leveraged by the “Friends of the SMPA Society"; national recognition at the end of the GEF-Project promoted a participatory roadmap for sustainability of next 5 years reacheness.

Expectation about MPAs, as well as, the iconic topics on marine issues

Different audiences require different approaches, different materials and different media for dissemination of their information or experiences.