Geospatial Planning and Risk Mapping

Dynamic risk maps, built using GIS and geospatial analysis, identify high-risk areas and guide resource allocation. This tool can be used for urban planning, disaster risk reduction, or managing natural resources like water or land.

  • Regularly refreshed data on terrain, vegetation, and weather is crucial for accuracy.
  • Trained personnel must operate geospatial tools and interpret risk maps.
  • Risk maps should inform planning and resource allocation at local and regional levels.
  • The expertise is crucial to help you build the correct framework in order to be scalable.
Whale-watching tour operators

Whale-watching tour operators

Willingness to participate. 

Love for the Marine Reserve. 

Make the tour operators ve a part of it. 


SMART Conservation Tool software

Plant Propagation

Once plants have been collected, they are transferred to our nursery for propagation. We are seeing increased effectiveness of these methods with freshly collected seeds and cuttings.

Fresh cuttings and seeds have a higher success rate in propagation

Drone Collection

The Mamba tool allows us to collect from species we have identified in the previous step.

The development of this tool by experienced robotics engineers, expedited the conservation of many species by field staff at the National Tropical Botanical Garden

When undertaking a project of this type, it is critical to have the proper pairing of experienced field staff with professional robotics engineers. 

Drone Survey

Drone tools have been instrumental as a first step in the assessment of cliff floras. We can now map the distribution and abundance of critically endangered endemic cliff species and expedite their conservation. Field surveys have been conducted in Hawaii, the Republic of Palau, and Madeira (Portugal) with extremely positive results.

As technology has improved and progressed, this survey methodology has become accessible to a range of conservation practitioners.

Drone are effective tools for assessment of cliff habitats, and will be critical to species conservation in these areas.

Mitigate biodiversity loss

Conserving ecosystems is key to curbing climate change, and maintaining ecosystem services, which are closely linked to over 50% of the world’s GDP. Over 1 million species face the threat of extinction this century: however, selecting which areas to conserve is challenging with the existing data gap, which is biased towards observations in the global north. Increasing the amount of biodiversity data in the Global South is critical in the conservation of endangered species, found at high density in biodiversity hotspots in the Global South. Amphibians are ideal for acoustic identification due to their diverse vocalizations and are crucial ecosystem indicators (Estes-Zumpf et al., 2022), with over 40% of species at risk of extinction (Cañas et al., 2023). Increasing labeled data for the more than 7,000 amphibian species worldwide would enhance conservation efforts and reduce knowledge gaps in vulnerable ecosystems. By using a citizen science platform to aide in the mitigation of biodiversity loss, we help establish local environmental stewardship of these critical habitats.

Other citizen apps have shown the potential that citizen science has on mitigating biodiversity loss. eBird, the largest citizen science project related to biodiversity, has 100 million bird observations from users around the world. These observations help to "document the distribution, abundance, habitat use and bird trends through collected species list, within a simple scientific framework." (Sánchez-Clavijo et. al., 2024).  

iNaturalist, another citizen science app, that uses computer vision algorithms for species identification, has also proven successful in mitigating biodiversity loss. To date, the app has over 200,000,000 observations, with 6 million observations per month, globally. On iNaturalist, research-grade observations are shared with GBIF, which in turn uses that knowledge for policy decisions, research, and community building (GBIF, 2023). 

Currently, our app identifies 71 species of frogs and toads, worldwide. Though many of them are identified as least concern (LC) under the IUCN, we do have one IUCN endangered species, the Southern Bell Frog (Ranoidea raniformis). This lack of threatened species included, underscores the need for diverse practitioners to participate in bioacoustic ecological monitoring. Increasing data points on vulnerable species can serve to inform policy decisions using data-driven insights. 

  • Closing data gaps: get more data from citizen scientists.
  • Enabling environmental stewardship: accessibility to a diverse set of users.

We initially set a goal to decrease data gaps in the Global South. However, getting access to enough calls for rare, cryptic, and endangered species in the Global South to train our model proved to be challenging. Therefore, to improve model performance, we turned our attention to as many species as we could tackle, worldwide. Getting users engaged worldwide will lead to more recordings in data-poor regions like the Global South, allowing us to retrain our model in the future with increased data on endangered, rare, and cryptic species. 

Technology-enhanced wildlife monitoring

This building block emphasizes the transformative role of technology in the monitoring of wildlife populations and their habitats, with a particular focus on jaguars. Given that jaguars are apex predators and integral to the health of their ecosystems, understanding their movement patterns and habitat use is critical for effective conservation strategies. Utilizing advanced tools such as camera traps, drones and remote sensing technologies, conservationists can gather high-resolution data on jaguar behaviors and interactions within their habitats. Camera traps strategically positioned in key territories provide valuable insights into jaguar populations, allowing for real-time tracking of individual movements, breeding patterns, and territorial dynamics. This information is particularly valuable as it aids in assessing the impacts of environmental changes, human encroachment, and poaching on these elusive big cats.

In addition to camera trapping, remote sensing technology contributes to a holistic view of habitat conditions by measuring changes in land use, vegetation cover, and landscape connectivity over time. When combined, these data sources form a comprehensive picture that assists in understanding the effects of climate change and anthropogenic influences on jaguar habitats. Furthermore, the monitoring program actively incorporates citizen science by training local community members to use mobile applications for reporting jaguar sightings and contributing to data collection. This participatory approach not only enriches the data pool but also fosters a sense of ownership among locals, making them key stakeholders in conservation efforts. The aggregated data serves as a foundation for adaptive management strategies aimed at enhancing habitat connectivity, mitigating human-wildlife conflict, and targeting specific conservation actions to protect jaguar populations and their ecosystems.

Access to reliable technology and sustainable funding for the equipment, such as camera traps and laptop devices, is paramount. Financial support can come from various sources, including government grants, non-governmental organizations, and private-sector partnerships.

Collaborations with academic institutions and technology firms are crucial in facilitating capacity-building workshops tailored for local community members. These workshops can provide training in data collection methodologies and the operation of technological tools and also in data analysis skills to ensure the community can process and interpret the data effectively. Engaging local universities in this process can foster research opportunities that further contribute to the knowledge base surrounding jaguar conservation. Finally, commitment from local wildlife authorities is essential to ensure that the data collected is put to effective use. This involves establishing clear protocols for data sharing and integrating findings into local wildlife management strategies. By ensuring strong collaboration and support among stakeholders, the monitoring program can achieve meaningful outcomes that enhance conservation efforts for jaguars and their habitats.

First and foremost, fostering local stewardship through direct engagement in monitoring activities not only enhances data accuracy but also cultivates a sense of responsibility and care for the environment among community members. As locals become more invested in the wellbeing of their natural surroundings, they are more likely to advocate for sustainable practices that protect wildlife. Building trust between conservation practitioners and local communities is a critical component of successful monitoring initiatives. Open communication about project goals, data utilization, and the benefits of conservation efforts fosters transparency and encourages community support.

Empowering locals through training on technology use has the dual benefit of developing valuable skills and creating employment opportunities within conservation-related fields. As community members gain expertise in data collection and analysis, they may find new roles in wildlife protection, environmental education, and sustainable tourism, thus contributing to both local economies and conservation efforts. Technology-enhanced wildlife monitoring, particularly focused on jaguars, is a promising approach that combines innovative tools with community engagement to create effective conservation strategies. 

Impact Exposure Map

Process in which the actual chronic impacts of mining activity on the landscape, such as habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, are estimated. This generates a gradient of exposure of biodiversity and speleological heritage and denotes increasing levels of severity of environmental damage. It involves liaising with sectoral bodies, systematizing environmental data and validating the results of the estimates generated with specialists. The methods used are those corroborated by the scientific community that can be replicated in any location and at different scales of the landscape.

Access to accurate spatial data for calculating landscape metrics, and a network of collaborating experts (related to the topic) for the participatory and transparent construction of results.

Sharing information with the mineral sector and research institutions
Understanding the need to improve impact assessments that consider the synergistic and cumulative effects of the activity.

Developing a new generation of animal tags and concepts for a digital swarm intelligence in networks of devices

To meet the goal of the GAIA Initiative to develop and put into practice a high-tech early-warning system for environmental changes, a new generation of animal tags is a key component. GAIA teams are working on the hardware and software development of miniaturized animal tags with lowest-power sensor technology with camera and image processing. The tags will be energy-autonomous, optimally adapted to the anatomy of vultures and are the basis for further technological features under development such as on-board artificial intelligences for behaviour detection and image recognition as well as a satellite-based IoT communication system.

Additionally, GAIA is developing concepts of distributed artificial intelligence and networks of micro-processors – animal tags that act just like a swarm. Analogous to natural swarm intelligence, the GAIA initiative is mapping digital swarm intelligence in an ad hoc network of microprocessors. These spontaneously forming networks are the foundation for distributed and sensor-based analysis of large amounts of data. Following this path will make it possible for vulture tags, for example, that are present at the same location during feeding events, to link and share tasks such as artificial intelligence analyses and data transmission.

A key factor for the success of this building block is the interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation of the GAIA partners: The Leibniz-IZW provided biological and veterinary knowledge about vultures and provided goals for the technical design of the new tags. The Fraunhofer IIS provided expertise in energy-efficient hardware, electronics and mechanics as well as in software for the miniature units. The Zoo Berlin provided environment and access to animals to aid the design and test the prototypes at various stages. Partner organisations in Africa such as Uganda Conservation Foundation provided an environment for in-depth field tests of the tag prototypes.

After several years of design and development, prototypes of the new tag system were tested in the wild in Uganda in November 2024. Wild white-backed vultures were equipped with prototypes called “data collection tag” (DCT) that featured many (albeit not all) innovations of the GAIA tag. The tags were released after 14 days from the vultures and collected using GPS and VHF signals, allowing for thorough examination of hardware and software performance as well as evaluation of collected data. These analyses will greatly help further developing the system.