Land Management - Good agricultural practices

The CATS Programme was based on the acknowledgement that good practices within the terrestrial zone augur well for the health of the coasts and marine spaces.  Thus, it worked with practitioners (farmers, foresters, agroprocessors) within this space by teaching and reinforcing good practices that could be incorporated within their operations.  A small group was also taught the specialised skills for mushroom cultivation as an alternative to traditional crop production.  This niche area was anticipated to increase food production diversity as it aligned with the practices of good resource management, recycling of byproducts and resilience.  For practitioners at the management level, the Programme supported the training of various persons in the practical application of Unmanned Aerial Systems for natural resource management and monitoring.  Since CATS Programme’s introduction of this, several other organisations both private and public sector have embarked on similar trainings for their officers. 

Resource management was an area of much focus by various actors within the stakeholder community.  Thus, the challenge of obtaining buy-in and interest was minimal.  Partners already had at least a basic understanding of the importance and relevance of effective resource management and the interconnection between the terrestrial and marine spaces.  Further, given there were several other actors in the technical support and grant sectors with whom it was possible to collaborate to maximise results.  Support from the ministries of agriculture in the various islands was also an enabling factor.  Their technical expertise helped facilitate the implementation of the various initiatives. The ministries were the principal source of technical support for all terrestrial interventions under the programme. With regard to the management level, the actors, particularly in the forestry sector, saw the technology as a very relevant intervention as they were keenly aware of their monitoring limitations and saw the tool as an opportunity to improve the scope and efficiency of their monitoring. 

The incorporation, within farming practice, of non-synthetic inputs for fertility and control of pests and weeds, though widely practiced many decades ago, is now alien to the majority of farmers.  Modern farmers rely on their crop for their livelihoods and have clearly expressed that they are not willing to experiment on their sale crops by incorporating improved practices.  They expressed concern about the risk of diminished crop quality, a situation which would reduce their revenue.  They were unconvinced that they would be able to sustain their livelihoods if they were to change their farming practice to be more environmentally friendly. Thus, and future iterations of projects seeking to improve farm practices would have to incorporate significant investment and focus on demonstration plot establishment, research and development and start-ups.  Despite having gone through a very rigorous process of participant selection for the mushroom cultivation training, it was recognised that the personal economic challenges and ambitions of the participants was an inhibiting factor; although all the trainees were keenly interested in pursuing the business start-up, they were challenged by the need to have secure revenue, and found it easier to continue their modus operandi prior to the training, as opposed to making the sacrifice needed to start the new businesses.  All this was despite the project incorporating in its design access to raw materials needed for production during the initial months of production.  The high-risk aversion of persons being encouraged to start up new businesses needs to be overcome by incorporating even more support mechanisms.  The Programme failed to complete the second phase of the remote sensing training, thus pilots trained and their organisations failed to attain the full support needed to confidently incorporate remote sensing in their operations.  Future such interventions should ensure completion of all necessary phases of support to ensure sustainability. 

Stand on existing binational platforms

Three binational (Canada-United States) commissions play a role in the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes, including the Great Lakes Commission (GLC), Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC), and International Joint Commission (IJC). More specific to the Great Lakes, the work of the IJC is supported through the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA). While none of these commissions explicitly represents and advances an agenda related to protected and conserved area (PCA) networks, they share goals and have capacities that can support such networks. 

To this end, the Great Lakes Protected Areas Network (GLPAN) continues to find opportunities to profile PCAs, meet its network ambitions, and address conservation issues by standing on these platforms. In particular, the GLWQA has specific Annexes addressing the priority issues which are also of importance to PCAs, such as Habitat and Species, Climate Change, Aquatic Invasive Species, Science, and Lakewide Management. Engaging with the GLWQA is an effective means to address conservation at scale and represents a significant return on investment given the capacity and collaborative support partners bring. More specifically, "Lakewide Action and Management Plans" (5 year rotation on each of the 5 Great Lakes) and "Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiatives" are two GLWQA initiatives that PCAs and PCA networks can lever and contribute to help advance conservation efforts.    

  • There are members on GLPAN who either work for a respective Commission or are actively involved in GLWQA committees. 
  • The efforts of the GLWQA and GLFC on issues such as aquatic invasive species, climate change, habitat and species, and water quality are collaborative in nature and implemented at a scale.  
  • While other platforms/forums may be involved in protection and restoration, PCAs may need to be prepared to express their own issues and concerns, that is, don't assume others will represent.
  • There are agencies working on Great Lakes protection and restoration space at a policy-level and welcome the opportunity to practice in a place-based manner with PCAs. 
Green Financial Instruments with Microfinance Institutions

BioInvest developed sustainable methodologies to create green financial instruments and measure their impact on the environment in collaboration with microfinance institutions.

Collaborative partnerships with microfinance institutions, customisation of green financial instruments, and continuous monitoring for effectiveness are enabling factors.

The development of customised methodologies in collaboration with public and private sectors is crucial. These frameworks play an important role in responding to sector-specific needs and promoting sustainable practices.


Implementing the actions described above in review, risk reduction, and readiness allows communities to respond to wildfires. On receipt of a wildfire alert, the Community Wildfire Management Team will either send a team member or ask a nearby community member to visit the site and assess the situation. On confirmation of an active fire, the Community Wildfire Management Team will determine if it requires suppression, and if so, attend and suppress the fire with the appropriate equipment. If the fire is not threatening shrubland or flooded forest, then they will monitor the situation.

Effective fire suppression requires on-ground planning and clear roles and responsibilities among the Wildfire Management Team. It is important that a clear and safe plan is developed and agreed to amongst the team as to how to approach and suppress wildfire and each team member’s role in doing so.

Recording the details of each fire alert, confirmed wildfire, and action taken to address each wildfire is important so that we can learn from our experiences and adaptively manage wildfires in the future. This information is needed for both the review and recovery components of the 5Rs.

Effective fire suppression requires early warning of a fire, a trained and confident fire management team who can safely suppress wildfire with well-maintained locally sourced equipment.

Inexpensive locally sourced equipment that can be adapted to wildfire suppression is preferrable to expensive imported specialist equipment. Our community partners experience with locally sourced equipment demonstrated their familiarity with it, its effectiveness in suppression wildfire, and ease of replacement. 

Community wildfire management team members reported that they most often used hand tools such as rakes, hoes, and bush knives to remove flammable material and create a bare earth barrier. They also used backpack water sprayers to suppress wildfire. They reported that whilst water was widely used to suppress wildfire, the larger and heavier water pump and hoses could often not be used due to difficulty in accessing sites and lack of access to water (e.g. lake, streams, or ponds). Community Wildfire Management Teams reported that a clear first description of the fire ground helped them decide on which equipment to deploy. For example, site access and a nearby supply of water is needed before a water pump and hoses are deployed.


Despite the best risk reduction efforts - fires will still occur, and partner communities need to be prepared to suppress them. To be ready to suppress fire CBFiM groups require:

  • well maintained locally sourced fire suppression equipment including protective clothing;
  • fire management training; and
  • real-time satellite-based fire alerts. 

Each community wildfire management team should frequently patrol high-fire risk areas during the fire season. This allows them to identify and address high-risk behavior before a fire starts, monitor fuel loads, and assess access routes and water availability in the event of a fire.

A functioning community wildfire management team is essential. External resources are needed to manage the wildfire alerts as due to technical constraints and community capacity they cannot be provided directly to community groups for action.

  1. It is important that all protective clothing provided to communities is made of natural materials such as cotton, as polyester is flammable and highly dangerous when exposed to open fires. The provision of this safety equipment is important as most community members’ day to day clothes are not safe when worn to suppress wildfires.

Our partner communities reported that OroraTech’s wildfire alerts forwarded by project staff frequently warned them of fires before they were observed on the ground. This service is extremely valuable to them as they can respond quickly, investigate, and stop wildfires before they become large and uncontrollable. 

Risk Reduction

With risk reduction we work with communities to prevent wildfires — focusing resources on their underlying causes. Prevention is ab effective control measure as almost all fires on the Tonle Sap are caused by human activities. Our partner communities identified four wildfire risk reduction strategies:

  • Conduct multiple wildfire education and awareness sessions with local community members and seasonal migrants.
  • Install fire information and warning signboards at high fire risk and high conservation value areas.
  • Conduct joint fire suppression patrols with local authorities and FiA officials.
  • Identify seasonal migrants who visit the community managed area for fishing and buffalo grazing. And inform them that they will be questioned if any fires occur around their temporary camping area.
  • Punish people who destroy the flooded forest by applying the Fishery law, which can result in 3-5 years imprisonment.

Community fire management teams need the support of local authorities in reducing fire risk. This is necessary when approaching and working with seasonal migrants who are not known to the local villagers. Local authority support is also required when dealing with the legal aspects of reducing fire risk such as prosecuting offenders.

Posting signboards at high fire risk areas and high value sites is an effective risk reduction tool as they discourage people from lighting fires and promote responsible behaviour, particularly signboards that depict the penalties associated with lighting fires. We recommend obtaining approval from local authorities before using these signboards and seeking their advice on their deployment locations.

Community wildfire management team members should hold multiple wildfire public education sessions each year. Sessions conducted prior to the fire season seek to change people’s behaviour and reduce wildfire risk. These sessions should continue through the fire season to ensure that people remain conscious of the risk of wildfire. As wildfire is caused by people the wildfire management team should focus on educating community members and seasonal migrants whose livelihoods rely on fishing, and thus the flooded forest. Migrant fishermen and cattle grazers should be engaged as they are held responsible for lighting fires in the past. Women are encouraged to join the awareness and education sessions as they are best at reminding their family members and neighbors about the causes and dangers of wildfire. Members of the wildfire management team should share their contact details with the migrant fishermen, so they can inform them if they detect any fires.

Implementation of Urban EbA Measures in Dong Hoi City

At the stakeholder consultation workshop, three urban EbA measures were identified and selected to pilot in Dong Hoi city, including: 

1) The water retention measure aims to address flood risk through water retention and delayed runoff during flooding, and heat stress reduction in the core urban zone of Dong Hoi City. It integrates urban flood risk management, relieves pressure on Cau Rao River as the main floodway protecting the city, improves existing ecosystem health, and increases blue-green space for the city. The measure is designed with multiple urban EbA components, including (1) a water retention area for flood reduction, (2) permeable surfaces (e.g. grass, vegetation and pavement) for storing water runoff, (3) swales along the existing road to reduce runoff and infiltration of pollutants, (4) additional trees to provide shading and regulate microclimate, (5) a protected area for habitat and to enable scientific investigation.

2) The green wall and green roof measure aims to conserve green spaces in the municipality in the face of increasing pressure to develop the natural lands due to rapid urbanisation, contribute to the reduction of surface temperature and heat stress during hot summer months and flood risk mitigation, green-blue components (e.g. trees, vegetation layers...). The measure is designed with facade greening on exterior walls and a rooftop garden replaced the traditional corrugated iron-roof of the building adjacent to a rainwater harvesting system. 

3) The Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) aims to enhance the drainage system through applying a nature-based approach in the construction and operation of the system to improve the flood management in the urban area. It helps to address the problem of local hotspot flooded areas during heavy rainfalls or typhoons in Dong Hoi city. The measure is designed and implemented with following components: 

  • Two underground storage tanks with storage capacity of 150 m3 with soak-away structure
  • Eight inlets to collect rainwater on the road surface around the site
  • Perforated uPVC collection pipes that are connected to the existing drainage system with a one-way backflow preventer
  • Sidewalk paving slabs replaced by permeable structure
  • Green trees to increase water permeability on land surface

The results showcase the effectiveness and possibilities of green interventions in helping the city to cope with increasing temperatures, flood management and energy efficiency while reducing GHG emissions. On top of that, lessons learnt and practical experiences in terms of technical knowledge, methodology and approach were shared, expanded and integrated into provincial technical standards, urban planning and relevant binding documents. 

In fact, in order to finalise the urban EbA measures at site after the selection process, there were different steps required according to Viet Nam's legal frameworks and project's procedures: 

  • Site assessment: Planning an urban EbA measure required a thorough site assessment of the local climatic and geographical conditions to inform the optimum design and installation requirements. A comprehensive site assessment examined climate, hydrology, soil and water conditions on meso- and micro-level and takes into account the existing built environment.
  • Planning: At this step, it was important to set an upfront goal of each urban EbA measure as this will influence the design, construction and level of maintenance required for the system. The scale, relationship to other facilities, benefits and impacts to communities and region, problems to be addressed were defined and elaborated. In addition, stakeholder engagement needed to be considered to define relevant involved parties and their roles, specialists, technical designers and service providers. All relevant procedures and regulations were figured out as well.
  • Design phase: The crucial step of this phase was to develop a technical design document for the measure. Based on the set goals, site assessment results and requirements, the designers and technical experts prepared the technical drawings and the design report. Aspects related to size, functional components, technology, materials, timeline and cost estimation needed to be included. Consultation process to present the technical design was conducted for comments and feedback from different stakeholders before submitting all files for approval by local authorities. Upon the approval of the technical design document, the process to obtain the construction permit needed to be carried out according to government regulations. 
  • Implementation: The construction implementer and construction supervision consultants were selected through a bidding process. An implementation plan was worked out and agreed by all relevant stakeholders before construction on the site. Local authorities and project partners took the roles of overall management, monitoring the work progress. Monthly meetings were conducted to update the progress and deal with arising issues during the implementation. The relevant government regulations and standard requirements needed to be complied fully and strictly at this phase. At the end of this phase, the implementation guidelines, lesson learnt and leaflets to promote the results were developed and shared in public for awareness raising and upscaling in the region.
  • Maintenance: Upon the completion of the implementation phase, the urban EbA measures were handed over to provincial partners. A consultation process was conducted to agree upon the roles and responsibilities on management, operation and maintenance of the work by parties who took over. Planning and budget allocation was prepared and committed to on the partner side. 
  • Close cooperation, support of local governments and stakeholders in the implementation of urban EbA measures and their commitment in combating global climate change and promoting sustainable development
  • Good understanding on benefits of EbA approach to enhance ecological services, biodiversity, noise cancellation, radiation scattering, aesthetics, greening the environment, education, communication and willingness to pilot implementation of local stakeholders
  • High commitment, engagement and contribution from the private sectors to invest in adaptation measures, enabling the great success of the project 
  • Integration of EbA approach into urban planning  processes as well as relevant policies, ensuring the sustainability of the interventions
  • Capacity building and awareness raising of provincial stakeholders on the importance and benefits of urban EbA approach to improve ecological services, biodiversity and climate change adaptation
  • Lack of technical standards and regulations necessary to implement the urban EbA measures
  • Various unforeseen requirements and procedures by local government during the implementation and handing over
  • Lack of a comprehensive database of technologies, products, and local manufacturers
  • Local authorities needed more time to revise current technical standards as the approaches were quite new.
  • Tangible benefits of urban EbA measures could only be seen after a relatively long period of time. However, local leaders needed to prove the results in their planning and report cycle. Therefore, public investment for EbA measures in provincial planning is still limited.
Moving towards implementation and impact on the ground

Our Blue Future (OBF) developed a three-year strategy (2023-2025), which will be implemented through a collaborative OBF system involving government agencies, the private sector, local communities, and development partners. The strategy is to deliver on three strategic pillars:

  1. Empowering stakeholders
  2. Improving integrated ocean governance
  3. Promoting sustainable investment and financial flows in the blue economy sectors.

Thematic action areas were identified as the following: Blue tourism, circular economy, community livelihoods, ports and shipping, blue finance, fisheries, blue technology, and nature-based solutions/grey-green infrastructure.


Concrete activities are being implemented in the pilot country of Mozambique, including work on circular economy and the development of a Club of Friends for Maputo National Park.

  • Establishing strategic partnerships with key institutions which can be used as a model of how private companies and other actors can collaborate to support coastal and marine protected areas in a more systematic and effective manner.
  • Designing a structure for collaboration in a participatory manner and then mobilizing more partners of aligned vision to implement together.
  • For long-term results, it is important to forge strategic partnerships that capitalize on private sector interests while supporting sustainable livelihoods and marine and coastal conservation.
Data collection, reflexion, and adaptation for sustainability with relevant partners

The data collection and ongoing monitoring of the project's achievements were carried out by a dedicated Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) team. This team, external to MUVA, conducted in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and periodic analysis of each action plan at baseline, midline, and final stages. This systematic approach allowed for comprehensive data collection, culminating in a reflection meeting at the end of the initiative. Facilitated by a senior facilitator, results were presented to the MUVA, Aquapesca, and Pro Azul teams. The meeting provided an opportunity for teams to extract key learnings and formulate a path for scaling and sustaining the initiative.

  • Budget for an external MEL team allocated for the project
  • Aquapesca availability to engage in the MEL data collection process
  • As the project is highly innovative and tailored, some of the success indicators are developed during the definition of action plans. Consequently, the MEL team's involvement in mentoring sessions allowed for the creation of indicators aligned with actions and the periodic monitoring of results. This approach promoted motivation and agility in the execution of plans by observing the progress of the initiative.
Drone Data

Drones play a pivotal role in the 3LD-Monitoring system, complementing other data collection methods.Drones are essential tools in partner countries to fortify technical skills among local staff. These skills encompass flight planning, navigation and image evaluation. The drone monitoring aims to empower project staff to capture data tailored for photogrammetric analyses, from which crucial geoinformation emerges.

The drone mapping methodology encompasses five stages, with the first two focusing on drone operations:


  1. Mapping mission preparation (desktop work)
  2. Mapping mission execution (fieldwork)
  3. Development of Digital Surface Model (DSM) & Orthomosaic generation (desktop work)
  4. Data analysis and refinement (desktop work)
  5. Integration into the prevailing data system (desktop work)


Drone data aids in evaluating indicators linked to carbon/biomass, such as mortality rates and forest types. Notably, with the application of allometric equations and proper characterization of the land type, above-ground biomass estimations of trees can be determined.

Drones with pre-set flight planning capability ensure seamless orthophoto creation from individual images. This enables individual snapshots to seamlessly merge into an orthophoto (aerial photograph corrected for distortions, allowing accurate measurements). It's also vital to consider the availability of these drones in the local markets of partner countries. Leveraging local knowledge by involving local academia is paramount in this process. They can provide essential allometric equations, grounded in tree height, that facilitate precise biomass calculations.

Drones generate high resolution images, allowing a detailed overview of land cover changes, tree survival and erosion rates, among others. Combined with field data, drone-based monitoring is strengthened, guaranteeing a sound monitoring.


The heterogeneity of trees and vegetation density often hinders a sound extraction of common key points between the images, which is necessary to estimate the heights and other indicators. In this regard, increasing the overlap between images to a minimum of 85 % frontal and side overlap can improve the extraction of key points. Also, increasing the flight height of the drone reduces perspective distortion, which facilitates the detection of visual similarities between overlapping images. However, too much overlapping, i.e., high overlapping percentages result in higher amount of data, making data processing more time intensive.


Another aspect already mentioned is the availability of suitable drones in the partner countries. Importing drones to the respective countries is difficult, and bureaucratic barriers persist.