Awareness on Climate change adaptation and mitigation approach

During cultivation farmers will be involving in tree planting to recover the deforested areas. This will be done parallel to practicing Sustainable Agricultural Land Management that involves recovering of soil and other maintainance practises done on the land surface during cultivation.

  1. Presence of area for replanting
  2. Availability of tree seedlings 
  3. willingness of the nursery producers 
  4. Availability of fund for daily secondary nursery management
  5. Availability of human resource

In the area we already implemented the project, this become success due to the awareness created and enhanced capacity of farmers on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

For only this two years of implementing this project about 400000 trees were planted by smallholder farmers and 15000 hactors were cultivated under sustainable agriculture.

Agroforesty based approach

Through agroforestry farmers will be able to produce crops, animal keeping and tree plantation at the same time. This will help them to have food security, economic stabilization and conservation of the environment.


  1. Availability of Transportation means
  2. Farmers willingness 
  3. Postive perception of governmental local aouthorities 
  4. Availability of Human resources
  5. Availability of Fund 

For the period we practised agroforestry in the community the economic growth of the beneficiaries have grew from 10% to 30%.

The farmers livelihood have improved and by end of 2020, farmers have not reported the lack of food from project area

Smart farmers and Transformation
Agroforesty based approach
Awareness on Climate change adaptation and mitigation approach
Smart farmers and Transformation
Agroforesty based approach
Awareness on Climate change adaptation and mitigation approach
Smart farmers and Transformation
Agroforesty based approach
Awareness on Climate change adaptation and mitigation approach
Smart farmers and Transformation
Agroforesty based approach
Awareness on Climate change adaptation and mitigation approach
The National Route for reporting OECM to WCMC

The project team has worked with the Ministry of Environment to construct  and implement the National Route for reporting OECM and submitting to WCMC. This route was designed by the Ministry of Environment, as CBD focal point for Colombia, GEF Small Grants Programme in Colombia and the project. It is structured to guarantee the validation of each potential OECM by the government (Ministry of Environment), civil society (an NGO such as Fundación Natura) and Humboldt Institute linked to the Ministry with the scientific support necessary. These three entities comprise the Coordinator Group of the route. External evaluators and regional authorities will participate in the validation. It includes the individual assessment of each potential OECM by three verifiers who work independently from one another and send their evaluation to the Coordinator Group that establishes a consensual agreement on whether or not the area complies with OECM criteria and can be submitted by the Ministry to be included in WCMC data base. The project has also carried out capacity building of national verifiers, which will evaluate if potential OECM meet the criteria.

Colombia has not reported the existing OECM to WCMC data base. One of the main achievements of the project is that two OECM cases have already been approved through the National Route and the Ministry will be sending in the short time the requirements for the WCMC verification process.


Moreover, this project contributes to the implementation in Colombia of the CBD Decision 14/8 of 2018: “Submitting data on OECMs to the UNEP’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre for inclusion in the World Database on Protected Areas”.

The joint effort to construct and implement the National Route, that is easy to apply, enhances the social appropiation of the OECM and the interest of rightholders and skateholders to report to WCMC.


It is important to highlight that the National Route was designed and constructed through a joint effort between multiple stakeholders.


The National Report represents an important step in the formal recognition of biodiversity conservation, beyond protected areas, in Colombia. It contributes to the international commitments acquired by Colombia, such as the CDB, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the climate change adaptation goals and the Post 2020 framework, among others.

The transhumant conference

The transhumant conference is a consultation platform that brings together local and foreign transhumant pastoralists in order to discuss the resolution of conflicts between breeders - farmers, breeders - gamekeepers and wild animal breeders.

The strengthening of collaboration between institutions has made it possible to build a solid basis for dialogue and to put in place lasting resolutions.

 The participation of Nigerian transhumant herders also made it possible to establish frank collaboration between the countries in terms of transhumance management.

The possibility of implementing concrete actions to resolve the problem of overgrazing, the creation of grazing areas, water points, and the facilitation of the sedentarization of foreign breeders.