Community Initiatives

Working with and for communities in beach clean-ups as well as mobilizing community members to be agents of change as well as enhancing the capacities of members in dirty dozen methodology

  • Young people being the heart of sustainable development must be capacitated and supported to be the best version of themselves and make the change they want to see
  • Amplifying the work of community members in the media has enabled build confidence and urgency among young people to be the push of beach clean-ups as well as an educational awareness campaign
  • Engaging community members as researchers in plastic waste management data collection has strengthened participatory development as well as cascaded knowledge pf plastics to community members
  • Invest in community structures and work from bottom-up approaches as well as working with community structures to mainstream sustainable plastic waste management as well as beach clean-ups
  • Work with brands to come up with an alternative to plastic packaging as well providing technical assistance to companies to transition.
Creative science based education

People learn best through meaningful and fun experiences linked to evidence-based information that supports them to take action on plastic waste beach management.

  • Young people being the heart of sustainable development must be capacitated and supported to be the best version of themselves and make the change they want to see
  • Development of a mobile application to assist in beach clean-up to ensure that marine plastics have been removed from beaches in the cape of South Africa.
  • Pioneering the dirty dozen clean methodology to streamline monitoring and evaluation of marine plastic litter as well developing strategies in conducting beach clean-ups
  • Enhance the capacities of community members to be agents of change by empowering them with tools, knowledge, and resources to become change agents
  • A multidisciplinary approach must be employed when dealing with hardliners to ensure they are won over or facilitated to have a paradigm shift on the transition to a circular economy
  • Outreach and awareness are paramount to reach people with the right messages on streamlining circularity, upcycling on the development
Multi-sectoral partnerships

Life systems are connected across geo-political and social boundaries. The Beach Co-op works within a global understanding of environmental and social opportunities and challenges but acts at the local and national level to address them.

Creating partnerships that scale the impact of dirty dozen work. Through partnerships, The Beach Co-op have deepened the relationship with existing partners and formed 14 new partners within the last two years

  • Conducting immersive workshops have helped strengthened our collaboration as well as cascaded the methodology for usage and application by other organization
  • Holding trash bashes, regular beach clean-ups have helped our partners own the journey of cleaning beaches as well as integrating methodological monitoring of plastic waste on beaches
Beach Co-op
Multi-sectoral partnerships
Creative science based education
Community Initiatives
Heritage as a shared responsibility

As the public-private partnership improved approaches to conservation, it became clear that the challenges being faced on site were affected by its wider context. It was vital to recognise the Vesuvian area and wider socio-economic dynamics, as a source of opportunities, not threats, that could reinforce site management. Heritage was increasingly viewed as a shared responsibility.

A key initiative was the Herculaneum Centre, a non-profit association founded by the heritage authority, the municipality and a research institute to consolidate a network of local, national and international partners. For 5 years, it implemented an activity programme focused on stimulating new types of involvement in Ercolano’s heritage. The capacity to work with others was enhanced within institutions and civil society through research networks, community projects and a variety of learning environments.

The trust of local partners created conditions, unimaginable ten years earlier, for the regeneration of a difficult urban district adjacent to the archaeological site known as Via Mare.

With the Centre’s programme completed, this tradition of cooperation has been taken forward by Herculaneum’s new heritage authority, supported by the Packard foundation and other partners.

Many initiatives, including the Centre and Via Mare, built upon the early efforts of team members of the Herculaneum Conservation Project. Positive results from linking up with ongoing local initiatives and building bridges between realities operating separately began to shape long-term strategies for management of the site and the setting.

From 2004 onwards, a series of reforms in Italian legislation have created more opportunities for traditionally rigid and closed public heritage authorities to work effectively with others.

  • The creation of an initial partnership acted as a catalyst for many more, ending up in an extensive and  self-sustaining network. In Ercolano, some of the vibrant panorama of local associations and cooperatives created in the past two decades can be directly linked to the 5 intensive years of the Herculaneum Centre, and initiatives since to consolidate that progress. The emphasis on new forms of interaction at heritage places continues to be vital.

  • Reaching outside of the site resulted in greater benefits for Herculaneum in terms of political and social support for its conservation, additional resources and inclusion in strategic programming.

  • A public heritage institution must have in its mandate the concept of ‘working with others’ even if this is not yet captured in legislative and institutional frameworks. A public heritage institution genuinely carries out its purpose by empowering contributions from –  and benefits to – a wider network of local, national and international actors.

Cecile Brugere
Building women's capacity and social capital
Progressive challenging of gender norms
Engaging with seaweed buyers and other community members
An adapted technology co-designed with women seaweed producers
Fishers' leadership enhanced

The enhanced leadership of the fishers who are elected to represent their communities in MIHARI’s different activities is vital for the network to exist as a true fishers’ movement. Their self-confidence to speak up and active participation in the discussions and consultations, support and feed the partnership between NGOs and LMMAs communities.

  • Capacity building in leadership, negotiations skills, public speaking.
  • The fact that the MIHARI network is an official organisation, that gives small-scale fishers legitimacy to engage and take part in negotiations.
  • Being an elected representative gives accountability towards one’s community.
  • Consultations on fishers needs, in terms of training, was important to provide the right capacity building activities.
  • Learning by doing and peer-to-peer exchange were as important as formal trainings.
Implementation of the network structure

In 2015 started the consultations among all MIHARI members, to establish a clear and functioning structure. There are 45 fishers who are elected to be representatives of their region, and who meet regionally or nationally every year. They also have opportunities during these events to approach directly government officials, which has had a great impact.

  • Existence of community leaders who were motivated and engaged to contribute to MIHARI governance.
  • Fishers trainings since the creation of MIHARI, which allowed the emergence of leaders.

It was important to have a consultative process to legitimate the elected members of the national LMMA board.