Support government strategies for a sustainable wood energy value chain

To shift from unsustainable to sustainably produced charcoal and alternative fuels (e.g. briquets from agricultural residues) they need to be competitive in the market. This can only be achieved with government support by regulating charcoal production and enabling competitive prices. These include the setting up of a formal sector and a sustainable forest management system (see building block 2).  

The government of Ghana sees the need of reducing forest degradation through charcoal production and has set ambitious policy actions in the updated NDCs to achieve efficient and sustainable charcoal production. The government is also working on a national regulation for the production of charcoal and has included further measures like the promotion of efficient cookstoves and the establishment of woodlots in different strategies.

In the development of regulations and strategies for sustainable charcoal production, it is important to include the different stakeholders, especially the local communities and charcoal producers. They need to see the benefits of a formalized sector and regulation system and need to be supported to adapt to it. Besides that, it is important to develop alternative income sources to achieve the promotion of alternative fuels and a reduction of charcoal production. 

Elaborate follow-up activities early in the process

The effectiveness of training is increased if follow-up with participants is ensured. This allows the organisers to check on the feasibility of follow-on activities discussed during the training and can account for the follow-up needs[NM1]  of the participants. Follow-up activities can range from webinars to on-site activities in the respective countries

 [NM1]Needs: unclear. = if something has not been understood or if there are follow up questions, or resources needed or something of the sort?

If so: see suggestion for possible re-formulation.

To design appropriate follow-up activities, the content of the training needs to be defined (see Building Block 2). The diversity of activities also depends on the support structure in the countries. If partner (health or climate) projects are in place in the respective participating countries, this allows for greater diversity in follow-up activities that can be conducted.

  • Consideration to possible follow-up activities should be given already during the planning process;
  • It is advisable to launch a survey to ask for participants interest and preference;
  • The creation of a What’s App Group is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to stay in touch with participants and continuously share relevant documents and news with them.
Leveraging local livelihood strategies

Integrating FMNR with livelihood activities is strongly recommended. For example, alternative livelihood development activities can support FMNR uptake by reducing household dependence on unsustainable timber harvesting for subsistence and/or sale. Complementary livelihood activities to support FMNR outcomes include: 


  1. Agricultural development activities that promote sustainable intensification and/or diversification of smallholder agricultural production. Combining trees on cropland and pasture with conservation agriculture practices has proved to increase crop yields and improve livestock productivity.
  2. Market development activities that support more profitable marketing of products produced by smallholder farmers. They enhance the adoption and sustainability of FMNR by increasing smallholder incomes, thereby reducing the need for households to adopt coping strategies that can further damage the natural environment and reduce biodiversity.
  3. Energy-saving solutions (e.g. clean cookstoves) that support FMNR by reducing household demand for wood, thus increasing the likelihood that trees that can regenerate will not cut down or felled for their wood in unsustainable ways.

Complementary livelihood activities, preferably those based on trees (e.g., agroforestry and woodlands), can offset short-term fluctuations in household and community resource availability and income that might otherwise undermine FMNR success by increasing pressure to use and cut trees.

Implementing complementary tree-based value chain development activities, such as beekeeping, can improve FMNR uptake and sustainability by increasing its benefits and economic value to households and communities. In addition, FMNR can increase crop and livestock production by enhancing soil fertility, reducing soil erosion, improving water availability and increasing fodder.

Cross-country technology transfer & capacity-building

The institutional capacity to support EbA technology transfer has been built through training and the joint development and implementation of the Long-Term Research Programme (LTRP) in partnership with local universities, for measuring the short- and long-term effects of EbA interventions. The activities included establishing monitoring sites, conducting research activities, collecting data, and publishing findings as technical reports, research papers, bachelor theses, master theses, Ph.D. theses, and peer-reviewed papers.


In Nepal, for example, the development of EbA interventions started with assessing local practices and determining whether these practices can be improved or upscaled before introducing new approaches. Based on these findings, the Chinese and South African experts designed possible interventions together with the local expert and advised on their implementation and monitoring against project indicators and targets.


The technology transfer also took place through inter-regional capacity-building, with the EbA experts, and the project coordinators regularly meeting through the steering committee, workshops, training, site visits, and conferences. 

  • The LTRP needs to be based on rigorous practice to help form the basis for appropriate and effective decision-making regarding adaptation.
  • The willingness of academic institutions to get involved in practical research projects that will improve the evidence for up-scaling EbA.
  • The creation of a platform, if possible available in all relevant languages, can help disseminate all this knowledge and facilitate discussions between countries.
  • The language barrier can be an issue so having interpreters or having tools and platforms translated can help.

Early capacity-building in countries helps to share scientifically sound data and lessons learned. There are many environmental, economic, and social variables involved in getting EbA to be sustainable, and it is important to document good practices, as well as lessons and challenges from the pilot sites.


The project design enabled all three countries to employ a long-term research programme (LTRP) in partnership with local universities. Together, they measured and reported the short- and long-term effects (ecological, hydrological, and socio-economic) of EbA interventions. With this strong data collection and research component, the project identified lessons that can inform the scaling up of EbA.


The technology transfer and capacity-building activities can be further facilitated by hiring professional interpreters during expeditions, visits, and workshops to overcome language barriers and to increase the benefits of cross-country collaboration.

Reintroduction of a Siamese Crocodile population in Bau Sau lake, Cat Tien National Park

In 1998, site managers and scientists discussed the possibility of reintroducing a crocodile population at Bau Sau. This was because the lake was situated in the historical occupation range of the species, and at that time, the habitat quality had been improved and ready for a reintroduction program. Feasibility studies were carried out. The park also held discussions among experts, managers, and authorities at all levels to gain consensus on the program.

In 2000, with the support from international experts, purebred Siamese Crocodiles, which are believed to have provenance from Cat Tien area, were selected from a farm in Ho Chi Minh City, to training for restoring their natural behaviours. From 2001 to 2005, a total of 60 adults were released into Bau Sau. In September 2005, the first baby crocodiles were recorded.

Recent monitoring shows that the number of individuals is increasing, the distribution area is also expanding with records in some neighbouring lakes. As of 2019, monitoring data has recorded at least 286 individuals (including 228 juveniles). Up to now, it can be confirmed that freshwater crocodile populations have been successfully re-established in Cat Tien National Park. The number and structure of the recorded population ensures that this is a healthy and viable population.

  • Natural habitats of Crocodiles in Cat Tien National Park (Bau Sau and surrounding wetlands) are well protected and restored, prey populations are well maintained to facilitate the reintroduction.
  • Source of breeds in the crocodile farms meet requirements in terms of genetics and epidemiology.
  • There is enough scientific basis for a population reintroduction program.
  • Supports from governments and international community helped the National Park managers have enough determination in re-establishing a Siamese Crocodile population.

The success of re-establishment of a Siamese Crocodile population in Cat Tien National Park is the result of a joint effort of Vietnam and the international conservation community. This is a good lesson for future re-wilding efforts. Local political determination (local governments and site leaders) plays an important role in creating the necessary conditions for population re-establishment.

Important elements for this success include: i) available breeding stock for re-wilding, ii) safe habitats with sufficient prey sources, and iii) proper awareness on animal-human conflict for to ensure the compatible behaviours for long-term survival of the re-established population.

To date, the freshwater crocodile re-establishment programme at Bau Sau was recognized as the first successful crocodile reintroduction effort in the world, and it therefore can provide experience for other population re-establishment projects in future.

Strengthening of community organization

Under the "Strengthening community organization" component, the project worked with the Tanta community to develop a livestock management strategy, with the support of a specialist, to improve livestock management in the community’s farm territory. The objective was to fortify the community’s collective decision-making process in regards to the management of its natural resources, thus contributing to the recovery of grazing areas, which in turn ensures having the necessary level of food for livestock and improving both productivity and ecosystem services for water regulation.

The livestock management strategy has been the product of a participatory process facilitated by Instituto de Montaña and led by the authorities and the community's livestock department (committee). As part of this process, visual materials (maps and infographics) have been developed to graphically represent the proposed management plan and rotation of livestock among the different sectors of the communal farm. These visual materials are exhibited in the community premises so that the community members can follow up on the plan and the agreements and commitments made by all.

  • Participatory approach to decision-making and planning.
  • Interest and commitment of the local population.
  • Relationship of trust between the community and the implementing institutions.
  • Availability and commitment of the authorities in charge, such as the boards of directors and specialized committees.
  • Traditional knowledge of the local population and technical knowledge of external experts.
  • Participation of the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve (NYCLR) team.
  • Working on community strengthening and organization is a process that takes time but is essential to achieve long-term results.

  • The project needs to be flexible enough to modify plans in the face of unexpected situations. This also contributes to building trust.

  • In the face of the initial distrust towards external institutions, the permanent presence of Instituto de Montaña's field staff and their involvement in the community's day-to-day life was important.

Partnerships with local partners

Partnerships with the provincial Taskforce, which oversaw the project's activities in general, and the provincial Agriculture Extension Center and Farmers’ Union helped achieve the expected results despite travel restrictions owing to COVID-19.


Partnerships with these local partners also led to the later integration of the project’s interventions into provincial partner’s programmes.

* Engagement with all levels of government in the province, specifically, at the project's sites, was critically important to establish the partnerships

* Endorsement of the project at national level was critical to ensure provincial and local buy-in

* Widespread availability of smartphones and access to network and desktop computers was vital to ensuring progress even during the pandemic's travel restrictions

* Building strong partnerships is a risk-reduction strategy, as shown during the pandemic wherein local partners were able to conduct many activities with guidance remotely by expert staff


Wildlife surveillance for One Health intelligence

Financing support for multi-sector surveillance of zoonotic diseases in wildlife and along wildlife trade chains is essential to improve understanding of pathogen diversity, disease dynamics and potential risks posed by wildlife trade, to support evidence-based decision making, monitor emerging pathogens and support targeted future surveillance and mitigation investments

Long-term financial support for sustained wildlife surveillance: in the field, in the laboratory and for associated data analysis to inform decision-makers and support reporting through One Health coordination platforms 

It is a challenge to secure funding for longer than the typical short cycles associated with government priorities to really make a difference in capacity and system building. Wildlife and environment sectors typically receive less funding and attention compared with livestock and human health, despite their clear linkages to both and increasing risks of emerging diseases of wildlife origin. 


Building long-term, multi-sectoral, trans-disciplinary partnerships and capacities

Building long-term partnerships and capacity for multi-sector surveillance of zoonotic diseases along wildlife trade chains promotes and supports effective One Health collaboration from the spillover frontlines to national and international policy makers, and improved understanding of pathogen diversity, disease dynamics and potential risks posed by wildlife trade. Platforms for regular multi-sector discussion between animal health, environment, enforcement, and human health sectors, as well as with and amongst international and multi-lateral partners, is essential for open discourse and sharing of information on the risks, challenges and opportunities for pandemic prevention. This is critical to improve cross- sectoral trust, understanding, communication and coordination to increase opportunities for effective legislative change and cultural shifts.

Openness of host governments to coordination between environment, law enforcement, animal health and human health sectors and investment of time and personnel from those sectors in wildlife surveillance for One Health intelligence; patience; funding; One Health coordination platforms

Trans-sectoral coordination and support from the government is essential from the beginning to ensure effective surveillance for diseases of zoonotic origin along wildlife trade chains and to promote understanding and sharing of findings. Openness of national governments to make science-based policy changes to reduce health risks posed by wildlife trade is essential for meaningful, long-term impact. 

Monitoring + Evaluation

Given the lack of experience and the high need for learning and improving the solution, M+E is key. Starting in the nursery how the different seedlings develop, then after planting and in regular intervals. this allows improving the design, to determine the need for soil improvement, suitability of individual species on respective sites and many other aspects - including upscaling to other areas and countries with similar needs and circumstances.

- Capable institutions and link / partnerships to scientific organizations and individuals

- Local ownership and dedication, also beyond the project's lifetime

- a sound and realistic monitoring system from the outset

M+E needs to focus and should be carried out by knowledgeable and dedicated individuals and organizations. It should also involve the local landowners and their traditional knowledge