Social marketing (SM)
Social marketing (SM) uses commercial marketing methods and tools (e.g. diffusion of innovations, behavior-change-focused communication channels and messages, community mobilization) to promote a voluntary behavior change in a target audience, that benefits society as well as the target group. For a Pride campaign, social marketing is an integral component to promote community stewardship of their resources. Creating a clear, consistent and positive identity (i.e., a brand) around the conservation/management of their resources that resonates with community perceptions, values and traditions regarding these resources helps boost community buy in. This brand is linked to a clear request (e.g., what do you want your target audience to do when it comes to sustainable management of their resources), both of which will be underlined and repeated throughout campaign activities (e.g. community events, media outreach) and promotional materials (e.g., posters, booklets, flyers, wall paintings, props, text messages) that form part of the social marketing strategy.
• Adequate size of target audience for (100+).
• Determining clear audience behavior changes that lead to conservation goals.
• Well designed, planned, executed and analyzed formative research that elucidate conditions of behavior changes.
Defining audience characteristics.
Clearly define how ready your audience is to adopt new behavior.
Tailor communication channels, activities and messages.
Involve audience and key stakeholders in design and implementation of marketing strategy increase ownership/stewardship
Willingness of implementing partner to adopt SM tools
Campaigns that best follow these ‘steps’ (i.e. enabling factors), developed activities, messages and choose media channels that are relevant to their audience characteristics and stage of behavior change. These well-developed social marketing strategies have proven to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices by the target audience, through creating community support, buy in of audience’s trusted sources and key influencers, as well as clear, focused and concise messaging through marketing materials and the media.