Planning, reporting and monitoring stakeholder participation and communication
Strengthening stakeholders’ capacities
Analyzing current conditions of the marine environment and maritime uses
Building scenarios for MSP and sustainable blue economy
Showcasing key results through a simplified and interactive storytelling tool
Supporting the formulation of institutional recommendations at regional scale
Co-operative farming for sustainable livelihood

An institutional support is required for the beneficiaries to promote the products they make through this solution, in local, regional and national markets. Since a single farmer cannot meet the quantity demand of the market and the distributors look for bulk quantity, a functioning co-operative has to be formed at the local level. This cooperation serves the purpose of collecting the products, negotiating the price with the distributor, supervising the manufacturing and distributing the profits. 

There is a high demand for brooms and associated products in the local, national and international market and distributors always buy in bulk. By applying cooperative farming methods, it will be easier for a single farmer to supply their product and get a reasonable rate for it. Instead of approaching single farmers, distributers negotiate prices with the cooperative committee, which also guarantees more stable and profitable prices for their members.

  • The leadership of the cooperative committee should be entrusted to persons in the community who are knowledgeable about the market.
  • The co-operative should be made bipartisan and fair to everyone. 



Various alliances had to be build to ensure the success of the programme. Collaboration was necessarry between the following stakeholders: 

  • Local and provincial government and administrative authorities
  • Social groups like youth clubs, women groups, agriculture committees
  • Forest and land protection committes 
  • Local, regional and national private sector businesses 
  • Various experts, researchers and scholars in this sector

Since this solution involves multi-level activities from planning, implementation, conservation, monitoring, marketing and promoting, it becomes essential to bring all the stakeholders together and interlink them through common goals and their ascribed responsibilities by the state and the society. 

- Stakeholders don't always have the same interests and goals

- Conflict between the stakeholders in the alliances are common because of their interests 

- The thoroughness of legal aspects while dealing with the local bureaucracy is needed

- The awareness of greater good has to be evoked to all the stake holders, time and again


Understanding the impact of ocean activities on the national economy

The main objective of the Portuguese Ocean Satellite Account (OSA) is to provide an economic information system for the sea. The OSA was considered the most appropriate tool to estimate the size and importance of the ocean economy to the Portuguese economy and to obtain information on the structure of production activities related to the ocean.


The OSA privileged the simultaneous treatment of supply and demand. Information was obtained, not only for the production account (output at basic prices, intermediate consumption, Gross Value Added - GVA), but also for relevant economic variables such as household and public administrations consumption, imports and exports. Thus, it was possible to estimate the contribution of the "Ocean" to GVA and national employment. Additionally, an estimate was made for paid and unpaid employment, not only due to its relevance, but also to allow assessing the results plausibility.


By applying the Integrated Input-output Symmetric Matrix System to the main results, it was possible to determine, in addition to the direct effects, the indirect effect of the Ocean Economy activities on the national economy.


The compilation of OSA at NUTS I level allowed having information for Azores and Madeira (islands), illustrating regional differences, namely different output patterns.

  • Mature statistical systems with quality and detailed data.
  • Very good articulation among entities.
  • New technical and coherence challenges in the second exercise, regarding NUTS I desegregation.
  • Detailing information at regional level allows improving data quality and robustness of concepts, namely concerning coastal tourism. Some concepts defined for national level are not adequate for regional level.
Value chain logic

The scope of the Ocean Economy, considered in the Portuguese Ocean Satelite Account (OSA), aggregates activities in two main areas: "established activities" and "emerging activities” which, in turn, are divided into groups. It considers nine groups, eight of which correspond to established activities (groups 1 to 8). The last group (group 9) includes new uses and resources of the ocean, which congregates emerging activities (see figure). The adopted criterion for the classification of economic activities as established or emerging obeyed the international logic of maturity level of the markets, namely what is followed in the EU, in the study “Blue Growth” for the purpose of international comparisons.


Overall, we adopted a value chain logic considering, inter alia, the level of industry disaggregation permitted by the National Statistical System. Given this restriction, the methodological option was to consider Maritime and Marine Equipment Services as independent groups, including cross-economic activities in other groups.

  • Mature statistical systems with quality and detailed data
  • Broad discussion with several stakeholders on the concepts, definitions, and aggregations of the account
  • Very good articulation among entities
  • Time consuming activity in the first exercise due to its pioneering character (pilot exercise)
  • Difficulty in obtaining information on emerging activities
  • Results compensate the effort: this organization of data allowed illustrating heterogeneity of the different groups (dynamic, productivity, resilience, etc.)
West and South Europe
Value chain logic
Understanding the impact of ocean activities on the national economy
Benefits generated to communities and livelihood improved

Community forestry in Nepal has brought a number of benefits including an increase in income. It has helped to fight against illegal logging by putting clear rules in place on timber access and a strong system of forest monitoring. Community livelihoods have also improved with easier access to firewood and fodder and better health care and energy access, for example through money from ecotourism and subsidies for renewable energy.

Community forestry shows traits of political, financial, and ecological sustainability, including emergence of a strong legal and regulatory framework, and robust civil society institutions and networks.

A continuing challenge is to ensure equitable distribution of benefits to women and marginalized groups.  


The immediate livelihood benefits derived by rural households bolster strong collective action wherein local communities actively and sustainably manage forest resources. Community forests also became the source of diversified investment capital and raw material for new market-oriented livelihoods. 


Communities empowered and trusted

Conservation oriented community forestry is essentially a participatory process that requires strong technical assistance on both policy and implementation. Expanding the property rights of local communities over resources and empowering them with knowledge, information, resources, technologies, and required skills for forest management and institution building are basic building blocks for the community forestry. Gender and equity concerns are addressed from the program design so that the poor, women, and marginalized receive fair benefits from the program.

Legal rights over the resources, institutions, capacity, trust, and leadership,

It evolved from the community level, and is based on traditional uses of the forest by communities. This bottom-up approach is a great strength of the Nepalese model as it gives ownership and leadership to communities to decide both where to create a community forest and how to run it.

Forest user groups
Communities empowered and trusted
Benefits generated to communities and livelihood improved
Forest user groups
Communities empowered and trusted
Benefits generated to communities and livelihood improved