Technical knowledge on sites, species and nurseries

The sites are heterogeneous and have different degrees of degradation, resulting in different intervention needs and opportunities. It is crucial to understand which species appear in nature as groups and to design the planting design accordingly. Mother trees, flowering periods and storability of seeds need to be known and the planting has to be adapted according to suitable planting periods. In the nursery, the focus on good root systems of the seedlings is key, requiring appropriate nursing equipment, substrate and trained staff.

- knowledge, link to research and traditional knowledge

- capacities to collect seed material from the right tree for the right place and the right purpose

- sufficient funding and training capacities

Investment of time and funding in the above-named factors pays off in form of higher survival rates, better growth, and project success. Some aspects should not be compromised, for example the size of the seedling containers and the substrate.

Coordinación multisectorial para el monitoreo, vigilancia y manejo adecuado de vicuñas

El fortalecimiento de lazos de confianza entre las comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas y el área protegida (trabajamos en conjunto hace 17 años), y con la Asociación Nacional de Manejadores de Vicuñas (trabajamos en conjunto hace 3 años), es crítico para fortalecer la conservación de la vicuña y de su hábitat. Esto ha permitido realizar monitoreos sobre el crecimiento poblacional y la sanidad de las vicuñas; realizar vigilancia de contaminantes y su impacto en la especie; desarrollar capacidades en bienestar animal, bioseguridad; obtener fibra de mayor calidad; e iniciar, recientemente, una línea base sobre la depredación de vicuñas y ganado por perros pastores, así como el estado de salud y de bienestar de los perros.

- Apoyo y compromiso de las comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas de Apolobamba.

- Apoyo y compromiso del área protegida SERNAP Apolobamba.

- Apoyo y compromiso de la ACOFIVB - Asociación para la Comercialización de la Fibra de Vicuñas en Bolivia.

- Complementariedad con otras organizaciones conservacionistas como la AGA - Alianza Gato Andino.

- Involucrar constantemente a los diferentes sectores permitió establecer una mayor confianza de trabajo conjunto, favoreciendo el cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos.

- Los esfuerzos en capacitaciones sobre el manejo de las vicuñas en silvestría con estándares de bienestar animal y sanidad, y de la fibra obtenida con mejor calidad y mejores ingresos para los comunarios, son impulsores de la conservación de la especie y su hábitat.

Generation of inputs for the strengthening of AI tools and resources for biodiversity protection

Among the strengths of the pilot is the ability to translate learnings into opportunities and recommendations, especially on issues of innovation, digital transformation and technological ethics for biodiversity protection. For this reason, we closely monitored the implementation of the pilot to develop a public report with a recommendations section, fed by the experiences, inputs, achievements and learnings of the implementing team.

What was learned at each step and with each partner contributed to strengthening AI tools and methodologies for biodiversity protection.

Beyond the boundaries of the Reserve, the Tech4Nature Mexico project has sparked a transformative wave in regional conservation efforts. The fusion of advanced technology with multi-stakeholder collaboration is redefining biodiversity protection. Innovative tracking algorithms have revealed crucial data confirming the presence of threatened species in an unprecedented way. These revelations enrich our understanding of regional ecology and empower local communities, driving lasting commitment to conservation.

Preparatory meeting, mobilization of the community and implementation

Prior community meetings were organized in the neighbouring village to raise awareness about the importance of mangrove restoration. During these meetings, the community was informed of the principles of the resoration method and the steps involved. Since mangrove restoration does not require any particular technical expertise (know-how), the entire community was targeted (women, men and youth) and mobilized for further actions. Furthermore, local authorities, state technical services, as well as administrative authorities were also involved, so that the method could easily be replicated elsewhere.

In-depth discussions with the local community and technical experts were crucial for a suitable design of the channel system in this area. The channel was dug according to the local topographic context, i.e. depth of the channel, angle of channel site, length, starting point, etc.


(1) 50 members of the local community were mobilized to dig the channel; (2) An area of 40 ha of degraded mangroves was identified (3) A channel system with a total length of 2200 m was dug to promote the natural recolonization in the degraded areas.

To motivate the different community groups (women, men and youth) for the restoration work, their interests must be considered. Furthermore, their future benefits (ecosystem goods and services) must be discussed in an understandable and participatory way. This, most importantly, includes food security and income generation.

Community-based identification and validation of the restoration site

The identification and validation of the restoration site was carried out jointly with the local community to promote its adherence to the process. The regional forest service and technicians from the NGO Conservation International (CI) were also included to ensure the technical feasibility of the proposed site.

Local community elders, who know the historical, environmental and topographic context, are usually very good advisers for restoration site choice. They can indicate where degraded mangrove areas (inland) with some remaining plants can be found (the restoration site must have been a mangrove ecosystem in the past). These are usually suitable sites for reforestation/restoration.

The community should be the leading entity in the process, as they are very familiar with the local context and are the beneficiaries. They should have the right to manage the mangrove areas through a formal management contract, because ownership gives the responsibility and commitment to manage the site sustainably.


From a technical point of view, the following criteria are crucial:

  • Existing flood zone during low tides and present canals;
  • Soil type (muddy or sandy-muddy) and pH;
  • The salinity of the water must be brackish.

Local knowledge and participation is crucial to ensure the sustainability of the restoration sites. In our case, the identification of the restoration site without the knowledge of the local elders would have been much more difficult and time-consuming, as we are not familiar with the area and little information is available on some areas in Madagascar. 


Although Gomeza Community used Self-drive to restore the forest reserve, the community attracted attention from government and non-governmental organisations. The partnerships led to provision of technical capacity building to the community on sivicultural aspects. Other insitutions also supported the community in their vision. This led to reduced resource need per institution to work with the community.

  • Accommodating
  • Cooperation
  • Joint planning


Prevent the duplication of efforts by close cooperation and joint planning

Building trust and improved networking are key elements of starting partnerships

Ecosystem Discovery

We conducted a scoping baseline survey on how best to carry out our restoration efforts with our women in Kavuzi and Sanga

We have a founding team of experts in resource assessments and livelihood assessments.

Targeted interventions work and assist in dealing with the root cause of problems

Youth engagement

Youth centric approach 

Leadership and capacity building of community members and school learners. 

Engaging the youths is vital for sustainable development and build back better 


The project used locally available personnel and resources hence ensuring sustainability. 

Strong local leadership from the community and primary school was the most important enabling factor. 

Future belongs to the organised.

Localizar los bosques secundarios y sus propietarios en el área de interés.

El área de bosque secundario en Costa Rica, está identificada en el mapa desarrollado por SINAC en el año 2014, este mapa identifica los tipos de bosque para todo el país. Las propiedades donde se ubica el bosque, se identificaron por medio de los registros catastrales de las municipalidades de San Carlos y Los Chiles, que son información pública, se determinó quienes eran los propietarios de estas áreas de bosque.

Se visitaron los propietarios que  tuvieran 10 hectáreas o más de bosque secundario, se les presentó el proyecto y se les planteó si tenían interés en participar, donde el aporte del propietario era facilitar el acceso al bosque para realizar una evaluación del estado silvicultural del mismo y posterior al análisis de los datos determinar el o los tratamientos silviculturales a desarrollar para consolidar el sitio como bosque, mejorar la estructura vertical y horizontal del mismo y a mediano y largo plazo obtener beneficios económicos del aprovechamiento de sus servicios ecosistémicos. En total se obtuvo anuencia de 14 propietarios de bosque para implementar las actividades del proyecto.

- Se contaba con información digital de las áreas de bosques secundarios a nivel nacional y regional.

- Se contaba con la normativa de ley aprobada para identificar los bosques secundarios a nivel de definición.

- La información pública de los propietarios de las fincas a nivel digital que poseen las municipalidades fue vital para localizar a los dueños de los bosques.

- La Región Norte del país tiene cultura forestal por lo que no fue dificil motivar a los propietarios de fincas en participar del programa de manejo de bosque secundario.

- A pesar que a nivel de mapas se tenga como bosque secundario áreas de cobertura forestal, las mismas siempre deben ser visitadas para verificar el uso, tiende a confundirse con plantaciones forestales en abandono o repastos con mucha presencia de árboles.

- Los bosques secundarios corresponden con áreas muy fragmentadas por lo que lograr un impacto grande requiere de mucho esfuerzo.

- Se deben tener muy claros los objetivos del proyecto a la hora de plantearlos al propietario del bosque para lograr llegar con el restauración adecuado donde el fin primordial es el mantenimiento del bosque en sus funciones ecosistémicas.