Monitoring + Evaluation

Given the lack of experience and the high need for learning and improving the solution, M+E is key. Starting in the nursery how the different seedlings develop, then after planting and in regular intervals. this allows improving the design, to determine the need for soil improvement, suitability of individual species on respective sites and many other aspects - including upscaling to other areas and countries with similar needs and circumstances.

- Capable institutions and link / partnerships to scientific organizations and individuals

- Local ownership and dedication, also beyond the project's lifetime

- a sound and realistic monitoring system from the outset

M+E needs to focus and should be carried out by knowledgeable and dedicated individuals and organizations. It should also involve the local landowners and their traditional knowledge

Desert Farming: "Breathable Sand" Farm in Ras Al Khaimah

In Abu Dhabi, Breathable Sand technology has helped with the growing of peanuts, mung beans, and black-eyed peas on some farms, while mango and lemon orchids have also shown fruitful results in 18 months.


Most vegetables in Abu Dhabi are imported and/or shipped from nearby cities such as Dubai. Famers now can grow local vegetables and fruits to serve the local families.  The quality of the product is also good, and the water usage is only 20% of what typical needs because uncontrolled infiltration is greatly reduced thanks to the Breathable Sand.


The current farm includes 500-square-meter arable land to plant vegetables and fruits, and 100,000 square meters of land in Ras Al Khaimah is being prepared for additional applications.

* Local government was supportive to allow the farm built using the new water-saving technologies.  This solution is also in-line with the food security needs in the region.

* Local farmers, after explanation and demonstrations (please see other building blocks), with little guidance, were happy to embrace the technology. 

* After three of years of installation, high-quality produce and healthy plants are the best support to continue using the new technology.


International collaboration is crucial in the initial implementation.   The "Breatahbel Sand" technology was invented in China and was used in many applications.  However, it is important to have on-site guidance to ensure the installation is done correctly.  We found there are minor adjustments needed to fit the site-specific needs.


In addition, we realized that local manufacturing of the Breathable Sand is very important to reduce the shipping and transportation costs.  UAE has abundant aeolian sand resources, which can be used to produce Breathable Sand locally.  Building a sand-treatment and coating factory in UAE is planed for 2023 to reduce the costs.

Desarrollo de capacidades en bienestar animal, bioseguridad y obtención de fibra de mayor calidad

Se capacitaron a las comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas y guardaparques durante las campañas de captura (aprovechamiento de la fibra) y liberación de vicuñas silvestres. Los temas abordados incluyen: procedimientos adecuados de bienestar animal y bioseguridad para prevenir la transmisión de sarna, entre animales, y por instrumentos y accesorios de trabajo; bioseguridad frente al Covid-19 para prevenir la transmisión entre personas y de personas a animales silvestres capturados. Asimismo, se realizaron capacitaciones en esquila mecánica y predescerdado de la fibra, en ambos casos, para incrementar la calidad de la fibra de vicuñas obtenida durante las capturas y proporcionar un mayor valor agregado a la misma, ampliando los beneficios para la comunidad.

- Se tiene apoyo de las comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas de Apolobamba y del área protegida de Apolobamba.

- Se cuenta con un equipo técnico experimentado de veterinarios e ingenieros zootecnistas y agrónomos para el desarrollo de estudios, capacitaciones y gestiones con los actores locales y nacionales.

El trabajo conjunto y complementario del equipo técnico de WCS y de la ACOFIVB con las comunidades locales y con el área protegida de Apolobamba han generado capacitaciones con una visión de Una sola Salud, capacitaciones que fueron favorables para que las comunidades locales identifiquen que la conservación y manejo de las vicuñas también involucra el cuidado de la salud de especies animales silvestres, domésticas y de las personas, a la vez que obtienen fibra de mejor calidad y reciben mejores ingresos económicos.

Monitoreo y vigilancia del estado de las poblaciones y de la salud de vicuñas

El monitoreo de las poblaciones de vicuña, realizado en 2006, 2018, 2019 y 2021, evaluando la sarna sarcóptica y otros parásitos en Apolobamba, estableció que la especie mantiene su ratio de incremento poblacional, y que en su mayoría los individuos son saludables. Las prevalencias de sarna son bajas y afectan principalmente a las vicuñas crías y las de mayor edad con una menor condición corporal. Esta enfermedad es actualmente endémica y con bajo impacto, siempre y cuando las vicuñas cuenten con suficiente alimento para mantener una buena condición corporal. Por otro lado, debido al incremento de las actividades mineras, de 50 a 231 en los últimos 10 años, y el uso aproximado de hasta 6 kg/mes de mercurio por cada actividad, ya existe evidencia de contaminación en la especie. Esto se ha verificado mediante registros de mercurio total en sangre de vicuñas, así como en anomalías celulares (genotoxicidad), y representa una amenaza local para la salud humana y de animales silvestres y domésticos.

- Apoyo de comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas de Apolobamba.

- Apoyo del área protegida SERNAP Apolobamba.

- Financiamiento necesario para apoyar la logística de actividades de campo con los comunarios y guardaparques.

- Se cuenta con laboratorio y veterinarios parasitólogos, lo que permite reducir costos de análisis a traves del tiempo.

- Se cuenta con acuerdos con instituciones científicas académicas como el Instituto de Ecología y el Instituto de Biología Molecular y Biotecnología, ambos de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

- Todos los resultados de investigación que se obtienen son socializados y entregados a las comunidades y al área protegida SERNAP Apolobamba.

- Los estudios realizados son insumos para la gestión de las comunidades y del área protegida y son oportunidades para el desarrollo de investigaciones de tesis de estudiantes de licenciatura y grados superiores.

- Todas las pruebas serológicas de laboratorio requieren estar previamente validadas para especies silvestres con las que se trabaja.

Coordinación multisectorial para el monitoreo, vigilancia y manejo adecuado de vicuñas

El fortalecimiento de lazos de confianza entre las comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas y el área protegida (trabajamos en conjunto hace 17 años), y con la Asociación Nacional de Manejadores de Vicuñas (trabajamos en conjunto hace 3 años), es crítico para fortalecer la conservación de la vicuña y de su hábitat. Esto ha permitido realizar monitoreos sobre el crecimiento poblacional y la sanidad de las vicuñas; realizar vigilancia de contaminantes y su impacto en la especie; desarrollar capacidades en bienestar animal, bioseguridad; obtener fibra de mayor calidad; e iniciar, recientemente, una línea base sobre la depredación de vicuñas y ganado por perros pastores, así como el estado de salud y de bienestar de los perros.

- Apoyo y compromiso de las comunidades manejadoras de vicuñas de Apolobamba.

- Apoyo y compromiso del área protegida SERNAP Apolobamba.

- Apoyo y compromiso de la ACOFIVB - Asociación para la Comercialización de la Fibra de Vicuñas en Bolivia.

- Complementariedad con otras organizaciones conservacionistas como la AGA - Alianza Gato Andino.

- Involucrar constantemente a los diferentes sectores permitió establecer una mayor confianza de trabajo conjunto, favoreciendo el cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos.

- Los esfuerzos en capacitaciones sobre el manejo de las vicuñas en silvestría con estándares de bienestar animal y sanidad, y de la fibra obtenida con mejor calidad y mejores ingresos para los comunarios, son impulsores de la conservación de la especie y su hábitat.

Empowerment of all actors involved is key

The success of forest management and restoration efforts has also hinged on the knowledge and skills acquired by the local forest organizations such as Village Natural Resources Management Committees. This has enabled the committee members to successfully implement ANR and fire prevention activities while adhering to good leadership skills to allow increased participation in restoration activities.

Community empowerment is a key enabling factor to consider within this building block because activities being implemented by the community members are as a result of the trainings/capacity building efforts by committed extension workers and other community leaders

  1. Training acts as an incentive for communities to participate in restoration efforts because  the knowledge gained is applied on their land.
Strong leadership and partnerships key to restoration

Forest landscape restoration efforts require a willing and enthusiastic social system led by Traditional Leaders who are traditionally custodians of customary land. The success of this solution has largely hinged on strong leadership and partnerships within. 

  1. Community Participation is a key enabling factor that is required for meaningful progress in the activities that are happening in the community. This is because without active participation they will not be any progress.
  2. The political environment also plays a part in enabling restoration. Political leadership that provides guidance to communities for sustainable management of forest resources is always preferred. 
  1. Community Expectations. It is very important to manage the community's expectations through most activities concerning natural resource management. Most communities expect immediate results when it comes to working on forestry restoration and this presents a problem where they can get discouraged like some community members not participating in the activities.
  2. Partnership is Key. For a smooth process of activities, the partnership is key between community members, government officials as well as Non-governmental organisations. It defines the roles to be played by all stakeholders
  3. Leadership. Leadership determines the type of natural resources governance. Strong community leadership has been found to contribute to the better management of forests.
  4. Youth participation is key. In order to have sustainable development, youth involvement is key since youth are the leaders of tomorrow. 
Accountability is key to governance and management

In an effort to promote improved governance and management, the DoF and MCHF supported the development of a tripartite forest co-management agreement between the DoF, the District Council, and the local communities (represented by the TAs). Roles and responsibilities--including specific roles and commitments from supporting actors (including Malawi Police Service, Ministry of Justice, etc.) help stakeholders to hold one another accountable.

The forest-co-management agreement has been informed by a forest management plan, developed with data from the NFI and from a series of community consultations. This also resulted ion the identification and prioritization of degradation/restoration hotspots.

Evidence of implementation is important to incentivize and motivate partners to continue investing in forest co-management

Capitalizing on strong local leadership and partnerships with government and others

The following building blocks have contributed to the success of the restoration realized to date.

  1. Strong local leadership:  Strong leadership by the Traditional Authorities and local committees facilitated participation, engagement, and buy-in.
  2. Partnership with government departments: The GoM delivers timely training and support
  3. Partnership with local and international NGOs.

The organization supported beneficiaries with resources including data, training/capacity building, and in some cases tools. 

The factors that enabled success to date included building on the recognition that local leaders are the most trusted agents of development. Without the buy-in and strong leadership of the Traditional Authority (and his Group Village Headmen), getting the buy-in of the communities would have been extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Lessons learned to date include:

  1. Information, awareness, and advocacy are critical to community-led problem identification and problem-solving, and are prerequisites to community participation in "solutions".
  2. Community participation in development work results in less costs in the implementation of activities.
  3. Partnerships and collaboration with District Council and the Area Development Committee, and with non-governmental organizations are key to sourcing required technical support e.g., ANR and firebreak construction.
- Enforcement and prosecution

This block is very crucial because it ensures that there is law and order in the communities. It involves setting up by-laws that guide in implementing the project initiative. It also involves putting penalties against particular illegal activities, e.g. cutting trees without permission. These laws are better enforced when the communities make them on their own while facilitated by the extension worker.

Enabling factors include: involvement of traditional leaders and also making the laws by the whole community at large.

We learned that stiff penalties for offenders were necessary to deter others from committing similar offenses.