Ownership of Samples and Data

Historically, expeditions and science research have had a reputation of taking a top-down approach including through the practice of ‘parachute science’. This includes the desire to collect numerous and diverse samples and data that is then stored outside the reach of host-nation countries. This is often especially true for research in countries that are under-resourced and can be influenced by, and / or directed by, scientists from other nations that can have more resources. As part of the co-production philosophy, we wanted to ensure that the host-nation, Seychelles, had complete authority over the data and samples collected. Together with the Government of Seychelles, we co-drafted an array of agreements that ensured that both the samples and the data was fully owned by Seychelles.

  • Mutual understanding of needs for sample storage outside of Seychelles, recognizing that Seychelles currently lacks the facilities to store biological samples.
  • Mutual understanding that all data that was worked on belongs to Seychelles and requires Seychelles permission to be made openly available and accessible.
  • Resources to ensure samples can be moved to partner institutions with the agreement of the Government of Seychelles.
  • Drafting and agreeing on text is a long process and requires months and sometimes years to finalise.
  • Partner with institutions that share the philosophy and spirit of co-production.
Open and frequent line of communication

Open dialogues with our main partner, the Government of Seychelles during every stage of the project ensured that changes and amendments could be easily made with their input. For example, field locations where easily amended as a result of bad weather, ensuring no time was wasted while at sea. Furthermore, a clear expectation of sample collection and updates during the expedition meant that Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) inspections could be made on arrival back into port, expediting the export permits, and thereby helping to facilitate the Government to fulfil their regulatory requirements.

  • A clear line of communication established from the onset.
  • Clear guidelines established regarding changes to cruise and research plans.
  • Setting expectations so that changes in the program could happen depending on circumstances
  • Flexibility and a clear line of communication is imperative in any project. This ensures that all parties are being engaged, their views included and that changes to the research program can be facilitated as necessary.
  • Communications are key to ensuring that no misunderstandings occur and when clarity and adaptation is required, there is a clearly agreed path for conflict resolution.
  • A tailored approach to communications is essential and required to align different partners’ expectations, objectives and commitments.
Co-production and building trust

It is not straight-forward to build trust. It can take time, skill, and resources, particularly finance and personnel. Nekton ensured that early engagement with the Government of Seychelles and Seychellois stakeholders began a year prior to the actual start of the Seychelles-Nekton field expedition. This allowed ample time to start building connections and relationships with the stakeholders and partners based in Seychelles. The Government of Seychelles gathered other locally based partners and stakeholders to build and frame a joint agenda of needs that would inform the research during the Seychelles-Nekton Expedition which took place in 2019. Co-production of the expedition included organising workshops to identify research locations, defining the pertinent research questions along with determining the stakeholders’ interest in leading specific projects.

  • Trust
  • Mutual respect
  • Flexibility in timelines
  • Time
  • Resources
  • Relationships are not easily created or maintained
  • Ample resources need to be allocated to effective and fruitful engagement
Biodiversity Impact Assessment Tool (BiA)

To enable automatic and instant biodiversity impact assessment enquiry, the BiA tool has been developed to facilitate enquiry services for land planners and other interested parties via Azure platform. The BiA tool works by overlaying the enquiry site or region (or existing construction projects) with multiple geographic layers including species distribution and protected area range to investigate if the site or region is within certain distance (e.g., 3 km, 5 km) from and may cause impact on endangered species habitat and/or protected areas. The assessment reports illustrate ecological and environmental risks of construction projects for decision-makers and could hopefully promotes them to take biodiversity into consideration.


A brief timeline of the BiA tool:

  • Apr-Jun 2020: team formation, requirement communication, system development plan
  • Jul-Sept 2020: tool development
  • Oct 2020: trial test, application and dissemination
  • (in preparation) Apr-Sept 2022: system upgrade
  • Years of data collection accumulation and constant thinking of data application approaches.
  • Theoretical & technical basis accumulated from long-term research and conservation practice.
  • Promotion of the BiA tool to its potential users, like governments, investors, and enterprise.
  • Keeping track of tool operation and user feedback to devise further upgrade of the tool.
  • Data application is the foremost step in the whole data workflow, where the data turns into valuable information for stakeholders. Effective data application reports should bear the audience in mind (e.g., being concise and focused).   
  • The complete of development and releasing is not the last step for a tool. Finding potential users and persuading them to use the tool is also very important. A tool has to be used to provide the most value.
Citizen science data visualization platform

During nature watch campaigns, citizen scientists are invited to observe and record wildlife timely, which not only strengthens the connection between citizens and nature but also serves as a promising species distribution data source. Species record data collected by citizen scientists via online questionnaire automatically flows into the visualization platform database (after data cleaning and manually periodically check) and turns into intuitive and attractive visualized charts and maps (two types: spatial, spatial and temporal) via Power BI. The platform, with both web and mobile version, provides real-time feedback to citizen scientists’ nature watch efforts, boosting their sense of accomplishment and motivating their future participation in nature watch activities. Moreover, since the platform integrates multiple nature watch campaigns with links to web articles about specific analysis of each campaign, it offers a broad range of biodiversity knowledge and enables “virtual nature watch” for citizens to get to know wildlife in other regions.


A brief timeline of the platform:

  • Jan-Feb 2021: form team, analyze analysis, make blueprint
  • Mar-Jun 2021: develop database and platform
  • Jul-Aug 2021: trial test
  • Sept 2021: go live and promotion
    • A well-designed data-collection questionnaire and automatic data cleaning mechanism to ensure data quality and a manually periodically check (normally once a season) to ensure data reality.
    • Visualization methods selection and aesthetic design with the engagement of citizen scientists.
    • PowerBI technology.
    • Citizen scientist WeChat community operation and maintenance.
    • As a public outreach product, it would never be too much for polishing contents and aesthetic design to make the platform user-friendly and attractive.
    • Engaging users in the planning stage and collecting their thoughts is very helpful for identifying user needs.
    • Questionnaires are needed to be well-designed and citizen scientists are needed to be well-trained before recording data. Otherwise, it’s easy to cause data loss.
    Restor Platform

    Thanks to the Restor.eco platform, we analyze the restoration potential of our reserve, monitoring changes over time with satellite images and geospatial data, thus knowing the local biodiversity and its characteristics, current and potential soil carbon, as well as other variables such as patterns of land cover, soil acidity, or annual precipitation, using machine learning, artificial intelligence, and scientific units of measure.

    • Access to spatial information.
    • Updated scientific data and resources.
    • Increases the impact, scale, and sustainability of restoration efforts.
    • Restor is accelerating the global restoration movement by connecting everyone, everywhere to local restoration.
    • Restor connects people to scientific data, supply chains, funding, and each other to increase the impact, scale, and sustainability of restoration efforts.
    • Is not just about trees or forests, but also about grasslands, wetlands, coastal habitats and all the other places that support life on Earth.
    Mobile Apps

    The use of mobile Apps such as eBird, iNaturalist, Merlin Bird ID, provocated a positive impact for us on monitoring ecosystem and biodiversity.

    • Community engagement and environmental education.
    • Support of international organizations such as Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Environment for the Americas.

    Local knowledge and local communities are very important for monitoring process and ecosystem conservation/restoration.

    Publication of ouputs

    In order to commit Research-Practice Teams in the Heritage Place Lab on a voluntary basis, it was necessary to establish the production of tangible outputs that would be useful for individuals, institutions and heritage places. The Heritage Place Lab proposed to develop and publish the research agendas resulting from the process, the publication of a special issue on the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (Emerald) which is an important step for academics, and the production of Nature-Culture solutions to be published on PANORAMA. 

    - WHLP runs the PANORAMA Nature-Culture Community;

    - ICCROM, main implementing partner is itself a research institution and has in-house publishing;

    - Partnership established with the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (Emerald) for the development of the special issue.

    The process of publishing outputs adds to the process of the online incubator workshops, so it is important to calculate the timing for both processes, as well as counting with resources for editorial work and follow-up. This needs to be established before starting the implementation.

    Coordination Platform for Sustainable Pasture Management

    A Pasture Coordination Platform was organized in Armenia as a horizontal management network among relevant stakeholders on national and sub-national level. Each party is represented by a spokesperson, who coordinates the functions of the party within the Platform and ensures information flow. A secretariat ensures the operation of the Platform. The rationale for creation of the Platform was the need to promote effective cooperation, exchange of information, as well as coordination of activities among the projects implemented in Armenia, focusing on sustainable management of natural fodder areas.


    Since 2018 the Platform has evolved and now more than 10 organizations, institutions, projects and public administration bodies are involved in the Platform’s activities, aiming to ensure viability of programs and investments in the area of animal farming, increase economic opportunities of communities and support income growth of rural residents in Armenia. Key objectives of the Coordination Platform are:


    • Coordination, exchange of information exchange and experience, identification of potential cooperation areas
    • Implementation of joint projects, activities
    • Advocating and supporting development of relevant state policy and legislation promoting sustainable use and management of natural fodder areas


    • The platform has a clear aim: "to improve the situation/ livelihood of the rural population which depends on natural fodder areas while sustainably using and conserving these natural ecosystems”.  

    • The need for coordination, cooperation and exchange was felt by parties both from government as well as non-government organizations. 

    • A memorandum was officially signed to establish the platform. 

    • All members have clearly distinguished functions. 

    • Active participation of the community stakeholders in decision making and coordination of the local projects was crucial. Placing the local working groups in charge of the local implementation not only generated a high level of ownership of the project and ensured the engagement of the community.  

    • The coordination with other development organizations on the local scale was a key factor. The harmonization of these different local interventions resulted in a comprehensive, positive change for the communities. Each intervention was complimented by the others and would not have achieved the same results as an isolated activity. 

    • Based on the memorandum of understanding, the common interest and need of all stakeholders in the platform to cooperate increased their commitment and ensured the continuity of the process. 

    • Multi stakeholder advisory bodies face high risks from unforeseen changes in governmental institutions or even within their own parties. The meticulous documentation of agreements and activities has proven to be an important measure for dealing with this risk.  

    Rewilding for restoring key species and their ecological roles in a degraded ecosystem

    We developed the Iberá Rewilding Program, aimed at
    re-establishing sustainable populations of all locally extirpated
    fauna. These reintroductions are mainly aimed to advance ecological restoration instead of individual species endangered recovery. Also, focusing in the restoration of key species which effect in the ecosystem is stronger, we guarantee the restoration of their role and the recovery of a healthy and balanced ecosystem

    - Planning, feasibility assessments and permits

    -Source of animals

    - Quarantine phase and hand-rearing 

     -Pre-release phase

    -Release of individuals

    - Individuals monitoring

    - Reintroduced population monitoring and demographic evaluation

    - Demographic assessment

    - Communication and program evaluation

    We recognize two main organizational strengths that have
    helped us to achieve our rewilding results in Iberá: the availability of large areas of high-quality and well-protected habitat for
    released animals (some of which were owned and managed by us),
    and the existence of long-term funding that allowed us to work
    for more than 10 years. These advantages are not always available
    to reintroduction projects, which usually face difficulties in habitat
    and funding availability.